He had become the paradigm of the successful man. 他已经成为成功人士的典范。
As a critical discourse, hermeneutics has involved a linguistic paradigm. 解释学作为一种批评话语一直强调其语言学范式。
We need a new paradigm that explicitly links resource extraction with development. 我们需要建立一个把资源开采和经济发展这两个方面清晰地联系起来的新模式。
Our approach unifies the paradigm for creating and accessing business logic. 我们的方法统一了创建和访问业务逻辑的范型。
SOA also represents a paradigm shift from the traditional concept and premise of application architectures. SOA还代表了从传统应用程序体系结构的概念和范畴进行的范式转换。
Using any new paradigm is risky until standard implementations are established for the languages you work with. 任何对新范例的使用都是有风险的,直至对你所使用语言的标准实现被建立起来。
A changing user paradigm. 用户范例改变了。
The advantages of the SOA paradigm are negated. 否定了SOA模式的好处。
This comment reflects a new reality for IT executives and a new paradigm shift for IT shops. 这一评论反映了IT执行人员的新的现实和IT购买方面的新的转变范例。
In the new paradigm, queue managers are merely life support for queues and topics. 在新的范式中,队列管理器只是队列和主题的生命保障。
Cloud computing is a paradigm shift in how we architect and deliver scalable applications. 云计算影响了我们设计和交付可伸缩应用程序的方式。
SOAP is a fundamental technology of the Web Services paradigm. SOAP是Web服务范式中的一种基本技术。
Hadoop provides a systematic way to implement this programming paradigm. Hadoop提供了一种系统的方法来实现这种程序设计范式。
We need a new paradigm to assess our economy. 我们需要一个新的典范来评估我们的经济。
Ethical ecology is a innovative concept paradigm of ethics. 伦理生态概念是一个创新性的伦理学概念范式。
The reflective programming paradigm introduces the concept of meta-information, which keeps knowledge of program structure. 反射编程范例介绍了概念的元信息,保持知识的程序结构。
That move reflects a shift in the traditional development paradigm, says Varma. 这项行动反映了传统发展模式的转变,Varma说。
Local rule is an important concept of individual-based thinking paradigm in complexity theory. 局部规则是复杂性理论中基于个体思维范式的一个重要概念。
Correspondingly, intersubjectivity will replace subjectivity as the foundation of this new philosophical paradigm. 相应地,主体间性将取代主体性,成为新哲学“范式”的基础。
Success and failure are not a part of the new emerging unity paradigm. 成功和失败不是新形成中的统一范例的一部份。
The whole paradigm is based on the user's skills and reliability. 整个范例是根据用户技能和可靠度进行的。
The concepts of paradigm as philosophical and theoretical framework and paradigm shift are applied to linguistics. 范式被视为一种哲学性和理论性的构造,范式的概念和范式的转变都在语言学中有所应用。
Actually, Habermas reconstructed the theoretical framework of historical materialism, and criticized Marx's theory of production paradigm. 哈贝马斯重建了历史唯物主义的理论框架,并对马克思生产范式理论进行了批判。
We discuss the basic paradigm and the changes of property rights theory of the firm, and its prospect. 本文阐述了产权理论基本分析范式或模型的演变,并展望了未来的研究前景。
Finally evaluated the performance of system management and analyzed the management overhead with this new management paradigm. 最后评价了系统管理的性能和该框架的开销。
Augustine, Hobbes and Locke had provided theoretic foundation for these system paradigm. 奥古斯丁、霍布斯和洛克等分别为这些制度范式提供了理论依据。
New Political Sociology: Paradigm shift or theoretical complement? 新政治社会学:范式转型还是理论补充?
This is quite different from a model-first paradigm. 这和模型优先范式有很大区别。
Seeing Science in Multidimension; The heterogeneity and complexity of modem society determinates its experience-oriented way and paradigm. 现代社会的异质性和复杂性决定著现代社会科学的经验性路径和范式。
This new paradigm requires fascinating cultural and epistemological changes in science. 这个新的范式需要科学上的文化与认识论的巨大变革。
the generally accepted perspective of a particular discipline at a given time
he framed the problem within the psychoanalytic paradigm
the class of all items that can be substituted into the same position (or slot) in a grammatical sentence (are in paradigmatic relation with one another)