Their great academic success was paraded as paradigmatic. 他们辉煌的学术成就被当作了典范。
Go to prepare your hearts to receive the white light which will birth you into a new experience, a paradigmatic shift and purposeful accord. 去准备好你们的心灵来接受这白色之光,它将会赐予你们一个新的经历,一个无与伦比的转换和目标明确的谐和。
The paper discusses the two principal approaches to translation studies: the paradigmatic approach and the problematic approach, pointing out their respective theoretical sources. 文章指出西方是以范式批评的方式为主进行译学研究的,而我国主要以“问题式”方式为主。
It results from the ignorance of the influence of the linear syntagmatic relationship and horizontal paradigmatic relationship on language construction in language processing. 究其原因,主要在于语言加工过程中忽略了线性的组合关系与垂直的聚合关系在语言建构中的影响。
The main reason for this lies in that the fixed paradigmatic research on redactology has been faced a crisis. 其主要原因在于,固有的编辑学研究范式出现了危机。
These paradigmatic procedures and relationships can and do vary to meet the needs of particular situations. 这些标准的程序和关系因特定情况下的需求可以而且确实不断变化。
But Shanghai, as so often in its history, is the pacesetter and show-city: the place where the difficult is made possible, the imaginary real, the particular paradigmatic. 但上海如同其历史一样,常常作为先驱者和展示的窗口:这是一个困难成为可能、想象成为现实、特殊成为范例的地方。
Technological Ontology: Paradigmatic Transformation and Political Construction& On Heidegger 'Political Philosophy of Technology 技术本体论:范式转换与政治建构&海德格尔的技术政治哲学思想
From the start, Hirsch has chosen for his study the most paradigmatic of all vessel forms-the bowl and the cup. 从一开始,赫胥便选择了最具实用性的容器形式做为研究主题:碗与杯子。
Language is a system of symbols based on relations, among which syntagmatic and paradigmatic relations are the most universal and important ones. 语言是一个以关系为基础的符号系统,而横组合和纵聚合关系是这个系统中最普遍、最核心的关系。
Analyses on Texts English Reading from the Paradigmatic Relations and Syntagmatic Relations 从横组合和纵聚合关系看英语阅读中的文本分析
The Return of "Rebecca": On Canonization of Paradigmatic Romance 丽贝卡归来:浪漫小说范式的经典化
The Paradigmatic Beliefs among Graduate Students of Public Administration in Mainland China 中国公共行政专业研究生的学科范式认知
There are two approaches in the pension reforms of central and Eastern European countries, the parametric reform represented by Czech republic, and the paradigmatic reform, of which Hungary and Poland are typical. 中东欧转型国家的养老保险改革有两种进路,一种是以捷克为代表的参数调整型改革,另一种是以匈牙利和波兰为代表的范式转换型改革。
And what's more, this dissertation indicated the watershed of this paradigmatic transformation was the identity of the learners. 并指出,这一范式转换的分水岭乃学习者的身份。
Gillespie, J. "Las Vegas: Mythical Frontier Oasis or Paradigmatic American City?" 2002. 拉斯维加斯:神化的边远绿州或模?美国城市?〉,2002。
Synonymy is a realization of semantic paradigmatic relationship. 同义关系是词义聚合的重要表现。
The opposition of the syntagmatic and paradigmatic relations. 组合关系与聚合关系的对立;
From the theory of semantic, we know it includes syntagmatic relations and paradigmatic relations. 从语义学原理看,语义结构存在着两种关系:横组合关系和纵组合关系。
Saussure's research on the syntagmatic relationship and paradigmatic relationship of language signs gives guidelines to Roman Jakobson's study of "poetic function" of the literary language. 索绪尔关于语言符号横组合关系和纵聚合关系的研究,指导了罗曼·雅科布森对文学语言诗性功能的研究。
On Syntagmatic and Paradigmatic Relations and English Writing 论词的横组合关系和纵聚合关系与英语写作
Application of Syntagmatic and Paradigmatic Relations in Poetry Translation 组合关系与聚合关系在诗歌翻译中的应用
The latter case of meaning evolution is summarized as the two ways of paradigmatic assimilation and syntagmatic assimilation. 这后一种情况,有的学者总结为聚合同化和组合同化两种途径。
This paper supposes that there are PNK ( paradigmatic networks of knowledge) in brains of Chinese people. 本文假设汉族人的头脑中有“知识聚合网络”PNK,此网络的每个“节点”储存一个汉字。
From the two perspectives of the syntagmatic relation and paradigmatic relations, the category of Result is categorized to abstract things and concrete things. 从组合关系和聚合关系两个角度将结果范畴分为成品类、破损痕迹类和抽象事物类、具体事物类。
Synonymous relation is a kind of special and important paradigmatic relation in vocabulary. 同义关系是词汇中特殊而重要的一种类聚关系。
The reviews of syntagmatic, paradigmatic, and individual study. 组合、聚合与个案研究的回顾。
Thus, hyponymy involves a wide range lexical senses in both syntagmatic and paradigmatic relations. 由此可见,上下义关系所涉及的词汇语义关系在横向和纵向上都非常广泛。
Thirdly, in the paradigmatic aspect, the relevance interpretation of indirect "request-response" is introduced in different cognitive contexts. 再次,在范例研究方面分析了在不同的认知语境中对间接性请求-回应的关联性推理。
As one of the paradigmatic semantic relations, antonymy is narrowed down to the study of antonyms in linguistics. 作为一种词汇聚合变化的语义关系,反义关系的研究通常被狭隘地定义为语言学中的反义词的研究。