Paraffin-embedded tissue blocks of sentinel lymph nodes obtained from patients with pathologically negative sentinel lymph nodes were centrally evaluated for occult metastases deeper in the blocks. 前哨淋巴结病理学阴性患者的前哨淋巴结石蜡切片用于评估切片中更隐匿的转移。
Tissue microarrays are a simple reagent that can be constructed from archival paraffin-embedded tissue for immunohistochemical staining, in situ hybridization, and other methodologies. 组织微阵列是一种简单的试剂,它们能够从保藏的石蜡包埋组织中被构建以进行免疫组织化学染色,原位杂交和其他方法学。
Application of tertiary butyl alcohol in quick paraffin-embedded section using microwave irradiation 叔丁醇在临床标本微波快速石蜡切片中的应用
RNA extraction and gene expression of paraffin-embedded breast cancer samples 石蜡包埋乳腺癌组织的RNA提取及基因表达研究
Detection and identification of Aspergillus species from formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded human tissues by PCR and dot blot hybridization PCR结合反向斑点杂交法检测石蜡包埋组织中的曲霉感染
An improved method to recover high quality genomic DNA from paraffin-embedded tissues 一种从石蜡包埋组织中获取高质量基因组DNA的改良方法
A comparative analysis of different DNA extraction methods from paraffin-embedded tissues 不同方法提取石蜡包埋组织DNA的比较分析
Identification and genotyping of oncogenic type of human papillomavirus in paraffin-embedded cervical cancer samples in Guangzhou 广州地区石蜡包埋宫颈癌组织中人乳头瘤病毒的检测与分型
Effect of automatic and manual slicing on thickness variation of paraffin-embedded sections 石蜡包埋组织自动和手动切片对切片厚度的影响
Factors that influence PCR of the DNA extraction from paraffin-embedded tissues 石蜡包埋组织中提取DNA应用于PCR反应影响因素的研究
The paraffin-embedded sections of kidneys were observed with c-Myc, c-Fos, c-Jun and c-H-Ras immunohistochemical staining. 石蜡包埋肾切片经c-Myc、c-Fos、c-Jun、c-H-Ras免疫组化染色。
The significance of gene rearrangement analysis made by scrapped tissue from formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue section was discussed. 同时讨论了用常规石蜡切片的刮取组织进行基因重排检测的意义。
Methods: The paraffin-embedded specimens of 210 patients with breast infiltrating ductal carcinoma were examined by using LSAB immunohistochemistry for the expression of PS2 and GST π. 方法用标记的链亲和素生物素(LSAB)免疫组化法对210例乳腺浸润性导管癌患者的石蜡标本进行PS2和GSTπ的检测。
Methods: The contents of DNA and cell cycle phase of different pathological changes of paraffin-embedded specimens and fresh endometrial cells were determined by flow cytometry. 方法:应用流式细胞术对不同病变程度的石蜡包埋及新鲜的子宫内膜细胞DNA倍体含量和细胞周期时相进行分析。
Results 100% of frozen tissues and 24.1% of paraffin-embedded tissues could get either methylated production or unmethylated production. 结果100%的新鲜组织和24.1%的石蜡包埋组织至少可以得到甲基化和非甲基化产物中的一种产物。
This study showed that ( 1) ER could be preserved for a long time in conventional paraffin-embedded tissues; 本文表明:(1)ER在常规石蜡包埋组织中仍能长期保存;
Toxoplasma gondii DNA in paraffin-embedded thin-tissue sections was measured by polymerase chain reaction ( PCR). 本文运用DNA聚合酶链反应检测30例先天性畸形儿尸检石蜡包埋脑组织中弓形虫。
Conclusions Detection of target gene expression in paraffin-embedded tissues is feasible by RT-PCR or RQ-PCR. 结论应用RT-PCR或RQ-PCR方法在石蜡包埋组织中检测目的基因的表达是可行的。
Methods: Paraffin-embedded tissue section and APAAP-immunohistochemical technique. 方法:石蜡包埋组织切片,采用APAAP免疫组化方法。
By the optimization of experimental conditions, FISH can be successfully performed on paraffin-embedded tissue. 通过优化实验条件,可以在石蜡包埋组织上成功地进行FISH实验。
At the first, techniques of paraffin-embedded section and microphotograph were used. 首先,利用石蜡切片及显微拍照的技术,观察了这两个雄性不育系发生败育的细胞学特征。
Objective To examine the alteration and significance of the DPC4 gene in paraffin-embedded tissues of pancreatic carcinomas. 目的研究石蜡包埋胰腺癌组织中DPC4基因的改变。