Study on topic partition based on sequential paragraphic similarity 基于连续段落相似度的主题划分算法
At last, Incorporation upwards paragraphic research, summarize arrive at universality the HISTORICAL CITY tourism development norm mode. 同时,总结得出一般性历史文化名城旅游开发的规范模式。
For text structure analysis, an algorithm is proposed for multi-topic text partitioning based on sequential paragraphic similarity, which can makes the abstract of the multi-topic article have more general content and more balanced structure. 在篇章结构分析里,我们提出了基于连续段落相似度的主题划分算法,使生成的文摘更具内容全面性与结构平衡性。
ON THE FORMATION OF A PARAGRAPHIC CENTRAL MEANING A Discussion on Price Formation Mechanism of Mineral Products 论段落中心意义的形成中国矿产品价格形成机制
Meanwhile, the theoretical study of sitcom develops gradually, though mainly taking the paragraphic form and being always episodes. 与此同时,关于情景喜剧的理论研究也逐步发展起来。不过,这些研究大多是片段化的、短评式的。
In order to enable the summarization cover the main contents of the original, an algorithm for topic partition based on a comprehensive investigation of both adjacent paragraphic similarity and consecutive average paragraphic similarity is put forward. 为使文摘能够更全面地覆盖原文的主要内容,提出了一种利用综合考察相邻段落相似度和连续段落平均相似度进行意义段划分的方法,对文本结构划分进行研究。