The flock of parakeets undoubtedly began as pets who escaped from their owners, Bird said. 伯德说,无庸置疑,这群鹦鹉原本是从主人那里逃出来的宠物鸟。
"For us, it's just fun," said avian devotee Fred Bird, a past president of the Washington Ornithological Society who studies the little band of parakeets. 爱鸟者佛瑞德·伯德说。他是华盛顿鸟类学会前任会长,专门研究这一小群长尾小鹦鹉。
Gayle Peters, the owner of Just Parrots, a shop near Seward Park, said the feral parakeets are reasonably intelligent birds, which likely helps them survive an alien environment. 盖尔·彼得斯是苏渥公园附近一家名叫JustParrots的商店的主人,他说这种野生的长尾小鹦鹉相当聪明,可能正是它们的智慧帮助它们在陌生的环境中生存下来。
Therefore, to teach a bird that talk parrots, parakeets or mynas, for example talk, find one that for lack of better options thinks of you as its flock. 所以,想教能说话的鸟说话比如鹦鹉、长尾小鹦鹉和八哥你要找一只没有更好选择的鸟,它会把你当成鸟群。
If you have kids, stick with domesticated pets like cats, dogs, fish, or parakeets. 如果你有小孩,要养些温顺,驯化过的宠物,比如猫,狗,鱼或是鹦鹉。
Parakeets, parrots, and pigeons may spread psittacosis, a disease similar to pneumonia. 鹦鹉和鸽子可传染鹦鹉热,一种类似肺炎的疾病。
Birders in the area say that the parakeets will visit home bird feeders from time to time. 这一带的猎鸟者称这些鹦鹉有时会拜访养鸟人。
The best talkers are those tiny budgies – parakeets still hold the record for vocabulary. 最好的健谈是那些微小的虎皮鹦鹉-鹦鹉仍持有词汇的纪录。
DALLAS-Frustrated by parakeets that tirelessly build huge nests on electrical equipment, power companies have tried about everything to stop the cute green birds. 达拉斯,得克萨斯州&被那些不知疲倦地在电气设备上筑巢的长尾小鹦鹉所挫败的电力公司,已经采取一切办法试图阻止这种可爱的小鸟为患。
Marked with red patches on their faces, the green parakeets are bigger than the typical pet budgie most people are familiar with. 这种头部有着显著的红色斑纹的绿鹦鹉比人们熟悉的那种典型的宠物相思鹦鹉要大一些。
Now a Texas utility is trying a different approach, building a40-foot platform near electrical towers to lure monk parakeets away from sensitive equipment. 现在得克萨斯州一家电力公司正在尝试一种不同的方法,即在电气塔楼附近建设一个40英尺的平台以引诱和尚鹦鹉远离灵敏的电气设备。
White cockatoo with a yellow erectile crest. an order of birds including parrots and amazons and cockatoos and lorikeets and lories and macaws and parakeets. 生有黄色直立羽冠的白色凤头鹦鹉。鸟目,由鹦鹉、巴西鹦鹉、葵花鹦鹉、小五彩鹦鹉、五彩鹦鹉、金刚鹦鹉、长尾鹦鹉等组成。