In the process of communication, paralanguage together with language finishes the information transfer, they complement with each other. 在交际过程中,副语言和语言相互补充,共同完成信息的传递。
On the Translation of Culture-related Information in Language and Paralanguage Symbols 语言符号和副语言符号的文化信息处理
The thesis gives a brief talk on intonation and its functions, which included in paralanguage. 本文简要谈了副语言中的语调和它的功能。
It forms part of the category of paralanguage, which describes all forms of human communication that are not verbal language. 它的一部分类同期声,其中描述了各种形式的人类沟通,不是口头语言。
Human paralanguage may represent a continuation of forms of communication that our non-linguistic ancestors already used, or it may be that it has been changed by co-existing with language. 同期声人类可能是一个持续的通信形式,我们非语言的祖先早已习惯,也有可能是,它已改变了共存的语言。
This paper focuses on kinesic behavior and paralanguage since their influence on interpretation are believed to be more conspicuous, compared with other categories of nonverbal communication. 本文作者认为非言语交流手段中身势体语和副语言对口译过程的作用较为明显,其他两类相对而言影响较小,因此本文集中讨论身势体语和副语言两大类。
At the same time, paralanguage implied feeling and psychological states in communication, which helps to make language in Zen ′ s collection alive even thousands years later. 同时,副语言呈现了人物的情绪和心理状态,有效地辅助了语言,使得禅宗语录中的人物形象鲜活生动,千载之下,犹如直面。
The approaches mentioned in this article include teachers'body language, environment language, paralanguage. 教师的体态语、环境语、副语言的特征及功能。
Paralanguage is one of kind of particular language phenomenon and emerges with the sound language. 类语言是一种很特殊的语言现象,它伴随着有声语言而生发。
The sources of speech meaning can be divided into six parts: the need of subject, the state of subject, communicative background, communicative context, language structure and paralanguage. 言语交际中,话语意义的来源主要有六个方面:主体需要、主体状态、交际背景、交际情境、语言结构、副语言。
In communication, the main function of paralanguage is to assist sound language, express define information and fulfill communication process with sound language. 在交际中,副语言主要对有声语言起辅助作用,与有声语言一起构成交际手段的总体,共同表达确定的信息,完成交际的过程。
Broadly, paralanguage refers to expressions, motions, body language dynamically and narrow paralanguage, dress and environmental language statically. 力图明确广义与狭义副语言的研究范围及其交际功能。从动态和静态两个方面来看,广义副语言指表情、动作、体势语和狭义副语言、服饰及环境语。
Paralanguage, a special feature of nonverbal communication, is a language feature worth studying and is one of the important subjects in pragmatics. 副语言&一种非言语交际特征,是一个值得研究的言语行为,是语用学研究的重要课题。
It gives a detail account of the nonverbal intercultural differences in kinesics, proxemics, paralanguage and time language. 通过不同文化对身势语、近体语、附语一回言及时间语言的使用,详细分析了非言语交际的跨文化差异。
The second is the inaccurate interpreting of paralanguage, which is very important to the good quality of interpreting. 第二个问题是副语言的准确口译对口译质量的提升有重要作用,而现在大多数口译员无法对副语言进行准确口译。
But few of these researches are carried out on a linguistic-theoretical basis, with not much in-depth and systematic analysis of how paralanguage functions for coherence of oral communication. 目前对副语言功能的研究,很多都缺乏系统的语言学理论作指导,没有深入系统地分析副语言对口语语篇的连贯发挥了怎样的作用。
Chapter Two examines relevant concepts of paralanguage as well as its classification and features. The analysis of description of paralanguage and its function is also included in this chapter. 第二章探讨了副语言的有关概念、分类和特点,以及副语言描述和副语言在文本交际中的功能。
Based on the previous research and my own generalization, nonverbal communication behaviors are classified into four: body language, object language, environment language and paralanguage. 参考和借鉴前人的研究成果概括出了身体语言、物体语言、环境语言和副语言四大种类,较为全面地涵盖了非言语行为的各个方面。
The former incorporates organizational competence ( pronunciation, grammar and text, to be exact) and pragmatic competence ( illocutionary as well as sociolinguistic competence) while the latter evaluates flexible interaction and nonverbal communication ( namely body language and paralanguage). 语言能力包括组织能力(即语音、语法、语篇)和语用能力(言外语用能力和社会语用能力)。策略能力考察灵活交际能力和非言语交际能力(即体势语和副语言)。
Chapter Four makes a detailed analysis the process of translating paralanguage using relevance-theoretic approach, and does a case study. 第五章运用关联理论详细解读了副语言描述的翻译过程,并进行了实例研究。
In the current thesis, a discourse approach is taken to systematically analyze the role of paralanguage in the coherence of oral communication in an American comedy, Friends, which is one of the most representative comedies in America. 本文从语篇分析的角度,讨论了最有代表性的美国喜剧之一《老友记》中的口语交际,对其中副语言在口语语篇连贯中扮演的角色进行了系统分析。
Chapter One is introduction which points out the significance of paralanguage and the meaning of using relevance theory to interpret the translation of paralanguage. 本文的第一章是绪论部分,阐述了副语言的重要性以及运用关联理论解释副语言翻译的意义所在。
This thesis chooses hit American TV serial Desperate Housewives as data source, tries to analyze relations between paralanguage and conversational implicature as well as the use and roles of paralanguage in realization of conversational implicature. 本文以美国热播剧《绝望主妇》为语料,试图分析副语言和会话隐含的关系以及副语言在会话隐含实现过程中的使用情况和作用。
In literary works, paralanguage can substitute characters 'utterance and convey their emotional attitude. 在文学作品中,副语言可以替代人物的话语表达,传递其情感倾向。
In Chapter Three, four main parts of nonverbal communication: body language, environmental language, paralanguage and objective language are discussed in detail. 在第三部分,本文将非语言交际分为四个部分:身体语、环境语、副语言和客体语。
In the thesis the relevance theory is utilized to interpret the translation of paralanguage. 本文运用关联理论阐释了副语言的描述及其翻译的过程。
From this new angle, this paper aims to explore the paralanguage in an objective and detailed way. 从这一角度,本文希望能从一个客观详尽的方式来探讨副语言。
Paralanguage not only functions as an indispensable part of communication system, but also abounds in literary works. 副语言是交际系统中不可或缺的一部分,副语言的描述也大量存在于文学作品中。
The analysis of paralanguage phenomenon in thesis may further prove that paralanguage is an important auxiliary way of communication, and it can provide additional meaning, replace the language in specific context, emphasize or negate the meaning in communication. 文章通过对副语言现象的探讨,试图进一步说明副语言是一种重要的辅助交流方式,在交际中具有补充语义功能、替代言语功能(特定语境中)、强调功能和否定语表意义功能。
So putting paralanguage and conversational implicature together will not only help people have better and deeper understanding of paralanguage but also open up a new perspective for conversational implicature study. 因此把副语言和会话隐涵放在一起研究,不仅有利于我们更好的理解副语言,同时也能为会话隐含的研究打开新的视角。