Under microscope, the structure of cancer cell appeared to be more porous 9 hours later interventional treatment and karyopyknosis was found 24 hours later, then we found obvious necrosis after 48 hours. Paramorphia of the relic cancer cells were found in 16-21d. 介入治疗后9h在光镜下可见癌细胞出现结构松散,24h癌细胞出现核固缩,48h见明显坏死,16~21d残存的癌细胞出现形态异常。
Infantile Febrile Convulsion and Cerebral Paramorphia 小儿热性惊厥与脑形态学异常研究
Its characteristic clinical manifestations ( triple-symptom complex) include hypohidrosis or anhidrosis, sparse hair or hairlessness and dental absence or paramorphia. 该疾病的典型临床表现为少汗或无汗,毛发稀疏或全无,牙齿缺如或牙齿形态异常等三联症状。