From these results, it is concluded that the cold storage of fly pupae has negative effect on the parasitization and reproduction of N.vitripennis. 结论蝇蛹冷藏可对丽蝇蛹集金小蜂的寄生和繁殖产生负面影响。
The body weight of parasitized host was greater than that of un-parasitized host while the reverse was true for the weight of fat body in the late stage of parasitization. 被寄生后期,小菜蛾体重明显大于未被寄生的小菜蛾体重,而脂肪体重量相比正好相反;
Survey of parasitization of water mites on mosquitoes in the lakeside in south of Shandong Provence 山东南部滨湖地区成蚊水螨寄生情况的调查研究
In conclusion, in the late stage of parasitization, the parasitoid larva, with the help of teratocytes, utilized up most of the host nutrients for its own development and growth. 因此寄生后期,推测在畸形细胞的协助下,幼蜂吸收了寄主小菜蛾体内的营养为自身生长发育所用。
Methods for determining the parasitization of C.plutellae in the field were also discussed. 文中还对田间该蜂寄生率估计方法进行了讨论。
In the molecular aspect it was primarily about cloning of PPO gene and there was only a little report on the influence of parasitization of parasites on the PPO transcription of their hosts. 但是目前大都集中在对PO的活性进行研究,分子方面也主要是涉及PPO基因的克隆,只有少量关于寄生物寄生对寄主昆虫PPO基因表达量影响方面的研究。
Parasitization of the scale on the spring shoots was found to be higher than that on the autumn-shoots and fruits. 凡湿度大、肥力足的桔园寄生率较高,春梢上寄生率比秋梢和果实上的高,不喷农药的桔园比喷药的寄生率高出一倍以上。
When the host larvae fed on Shanghaizhiqie the wasps progeny and sex ratio are the highest but the parasitization ratio was a little lower than in hosts fed on other eggplant varieties. 瓢虫柄腹姬小蜂在取食上海紫茄的瓢虫幼虫内发育出蜂数多、性比高,但寄生率稍低。
Host size had significant influence on oviposition of the female parasitoid, and the parasitization rate decreased as the host size increased. 结果表明,中红侧沟茧蜂成蜂产卵行为对寄主大小有显著的选择性。成功寄生率随寄主体重的增加而降低。
Its parasitization is up to 90%. 寄生率最高可达90%以上。
Effect of Green Spot Disease ( Apatococcus lobatus) Parasitization on Diurnal Variation of Photosynthesis of Valencia Orange Trees 绿斑病藻寄生对夏橙光合日变化的影响
The parasitization was 28.6%. 一次性调查寄生率为28.6%。
Effects of green spot ( apatococcus lobatus) parasitization on fruit quality of Valencia Orange 绿斑病藻寄生对夏橙果实品质的影响
The influence of host distribution on parasitization of Trichogramma dendrolimi 寄主卵排列对松毛虫赤眼蜂寄生的影响
Egg parasitoids from various habitats have different characterisitics of parasitization and preference to host eggs. Such modification of local response of ramet petiole to shading due to physiological integration was not observed in the plants from the understory. 不同生境来源的卵寄生蜂有着不同的寄生和选择特性。这种克隆整合对克隆形态可塑性的修饰作用只在林窗生境来源的实验植物中观察到。
Intestinal parasitization and local mucosal immunity against its infection 肠道寄生虫感染与黏膜局部的抗感染免疫
Effects of Parasitization of Parasitic Wasps on the Development of Inner Organs of Hosts 寄生蜂寄生过程中对寄主主要器官发育的影响
The natural parasitization rate of O. furnacalis by this polyembryonic parasitoid was 30-40%, with a maximum of 70%. 自然寄生率为30&40%,最高70%。
Field releases of M.linearis resulted in an increased parasitization rate of Asian corn borer. 试验证明:人工繁殖和释放可提高田间玉米螟寄生率。
The concentration of hemolymph soluble protein in parasitized pupae was similar with that in un parasitized pupae at 12 hours after parasitization, and then, markedly higher than the latter. 寄生后12h的寄生蛹与同期未寄生蛹的血淋巴可溶性蛋白浓度相差不大,而在寄生后1~4d,寄生蛹的血淋巴可溶性蛋白浓度明显高于同期未寄生蛹。
When the adults were stored at 8 ℃, 11 ℃ and 14 ℃ for 10 days, the capability of oviposition and parasitization were not significantly different from that of non-stored adult wasps in the control. 成蜂在8℃,11℃,14℃下贮存10d,雌蜂的产卵能力、寄生幼虫数、寄生率与对照相比无显著差异。
The results suggest that host pupa age does not affect the parasitization decision of B. lasus, but it has impact on offspring development to some extent. 3. 上述研究结果说明,寄主蛹龄不影响广大腿小蜂的产卵选择,但对子代蜂发育有一定的影响。