Bundle sheath the ring of parenchymatous or sclerenchymatous tissue, usually one cell thick, that surrounds the vascular bundle in an angiosperm leaf. 维管束鞘:在被子植物叶中,围绕维管束的通常是一层薄壁或厚壁细胞。
Objective To study the diagnostic value of the interventional ultrasound to the direct explored pulmonary marginal parenchymatous lesion and the corresponding rate of ultrasound diagnosis. 目的探讨介入性超声对肺边缘性实质性病变的诊断价值,以及超声诊断符合率。
Under the transmission electron microscope, we could see the 4 kinds of the body cells, they are parenchymatous cells, single nucleus undifferentiated cells, glycogen cells and muscle cells. These cells had their own characteristics. 分离出的原头蚴体细胞在透射电镜下可见到实质细胞、单核的未分化细胞、糖原细胞和肌细胞,4种细胞具有其各自的超微结构特点。
Separation of Fibrous Cells and Parenchymatous Cells from Wheat Straw and the Characteristics in Soda-AQ Pulping 麦草纤维细胞和薄壁细胞制浆特性的研究
The mass was cystic, parenchymatous or mixed. 肿块呈囊性或实质性或囊实混合性。
The exodermis of root consisted of 1-2 layers of closely arranged parenchymatous cells. 外皮层由1~2层细胞组成,排列较紧密;
The mesotesta includes hypodermis, translucent cell layer, parenchymatous cell layer and pigment cell layer. 中种皮由下皮层、半透明细胞层、中种皮薄壁细胞层与色素层构成。
The pericycle has 1& 3 layers of parenchymatous cells. 中柱鞘具1&3层薄壁细胞。
60 parenchymatous degeneration of pulmonary segments in lobes of lung, atelectasis with hydrothorax; 肺叶肺段实变、肺不张合并胸水60例;
The vascular bundle consists of vascular bundle sheath, xylem, phloem and big parenchymatous cells. 维管束由维管束鞘、木质部、韧皮部和大型薄壁细胞组成。
Parenchymatous organs appeared degeneration and infiltration with the inflammatory cells. 实质器官普遍发生变性和炎性细胞浸润。
The Plasma Level of Lp ( a) and other Lipids in Patients with Benign Tumors and Malignant Parenchymatous Tumors 良性肿瘤和恶性实体瘤患者血浆Lp(a)和其它脂类的变化
Conclusions Elastography is a promising technology and has a distinct advantage in the diagnosis of breast parenchymatous tumors. 结论超声弹性成像在乳腺实性肿瘤的诊断中具有独特优势和广阔的应用前景。
The spongy parenchyma is developed and possesses abundant big parenchymatous cells or hollow cavities ( secretory canals or air cavities); 海绵组织发达、具有大而明显的薄壁细胞或细胞裂溶后形成空腔(分泌腔或气腔);
In the middle of stem is the pith, which composed of abundant parenchymatous cells with rhombohedral crystals. 茎中央是大型薄壁细胞构成的髓,具簇晶。
The parenchymatous degeneration and necrosis of the epithelia of renal tuber. 肾小管上皮浊肿、变性、坏死。
22 of them Were serous and 1 Was parenchymatous pearly cyst. 22例为浆液性囊肿,1例为实质性珍珠样囊肿。
Lymphatic drainage of the thyroid gland was studied in 40 rabbits with parenchymatous injec-tion into the thyroid gland. 用活体淋巴管注射法,研究了40只家兔甲状腺的淋巴流向。
Pathological anatomy showed that the main changes in the panda were congestion, hydrops and hemorrhage in parenchymatous organs. 病理剖检显示,该熊猫主要表现为实质器官充血、水肿和出血性变化;
It should be differentiated from other parenchymatous tumor in the parasellar region if paraganglioma is not typical. 但瘤体较小,表现不典型时应与发生于鞍区的其它实质性肿瘤相鉴别。
The endotesta consists of one layer of brick shipped parenchymatous cells. 内种皮由1层砖形薄壁细胞构成。
The ultrastructures of the local brain tissue around the parenchymatous hematoma were examined by electron microscope. 电镜检查血肿周围脑组织超微结构。
The results showed that parenchymatous organs were inflamed and effused; 结果显示:实质器官为渗出性炎症;
The liver is the biggest parenchymatous organ of the human body. It has been the hot topic of anatomy and medical imaging study because of its complicated structures and variety diseases. 肝是人体最大的实质性器官,解剖结构复杂,疾病种类繁多,一直是解剖学和医学影像学领域研究的热点。
Liver is the maximal parenchymatous organ in abdomen, which has important physiologic function. 肝脏是腹腔内最大的实质性器官,担负着人体的重要生理功能。
The injured parenchymatous and resinosis cell had been dead before the nematodes arrived. 受害松苗薄壁组织和泌脂细胞在松材线虫到达侵害之前就已变性死亡。