I took a lot of convincing that parenthood was a good idea and I didn't think I'd be much use at it. 很多人都劝我要个孩子好,但我觉得为人父母我真的不适合。
She may feel unready for the responsibilities of parenthood. 她可能觉得没有准备好承担为人父母的责任。
Everyone has doubts about their readiness for parenthood. 自己是否作好了为人父母的准备,人人都会感到疑虑。
Is it any wonder that so many couples decide that one kid is enough, or avoid parenthood altogether? 像现在很多夫妻只生一个或者根本不生,这也不足为奇了。
They tend to have children later, postponing the responsibilities of parenthood. 因为她们生孩子的时间相对较晚,推迟了她们承担为人父母责任的时间。
Jason Katims seems to be planning something big for the sixth and final season of Parenthood. 《为人父母》制片人JasonKatims似乎在为第六季也就是该剧的结局季计划着某些大动作。
We are tackling longer term issues too, especially marriage and parenthood, as well as population. 我们也正在着手处理一些长期课题,尤其是国人结婚生子和国家人口的课题。
Plan parenthood has been under investigation in Congress. 计划生育正在接受国会调查。
Leonardo DiCaprio and Tobey Maguire met while auditioning for the TV series Parenthood. 莱昂纳多迪卡普里奥和托比马奎尔是在为电视剧《为人父母》试镜的时候认识的。
I have had the joy of two beautiful and wonderful wives, the happiness of parenthood and the love of eight children. 我曾经享受过和两个美丽贤惠妻子生活的乐趣,也体验过身为人父的幸福,也感受到了8个子女的爱。
She does not feel comfortable speaking about the commercialisation of childhood and parenthood because she is not a parent. 对于把儿童和父母的角色商业化的问题,她谈起来十分为难,因为她没做过母亲。
In many cases, having a pet prepares a young couple for the responsibilities of parenthood. 很多时候,拥有一只宠物能帮助年轻夫妻做为人父母责任的准备。
Young people facing the new responsibility of parenthood. 面临着做父母的新责任的年轻人。
And your preference for cooking and entertaining guests at home will likely ease the transition into parenthood. 你对料理和宴请宾客的爱好也会使你在将自我角色转换为家长的时候感到轻松。
It is only when you have your own children that you realize the troubles of parenthood. 当你有了自己的孩子,才能真切地了解到双亲的辛苦。
Having a pet prepares a young couple for the responsibilities of parenthood. 养宠物还能帮助年轻夫妻提前进入角色,做好为人父母、担当责任的准备。
Mrs. Cherry seems altogether weighed down by her work plus parenthood. 彻里夫人似乎被她的工作和母亲的责任累坏了。
For couples who can have children, parenthood should bring the greatest of all happiness. 对于能养育孩子的父母来说,为人父母将带来生命中最大的幸福。
With marital breakdown and single parenthood increasing, step-families are becoming more and more common. 随着现代社会婚姻的动荡和单亲家庭的增多,重组家庭变得越来越普遍。
And they give away there parenthood on their own free will. 他们自愿放弃了父母身份。
The Effect of Parenthood of Left-behind Children in Rural Areas on Their Subjective Well-being 亲子关系对农村留守儿童主观幸福感的影响
Marriage, religion, and parenthood received the same acid treatment as social snobbery and politics. 婚姻、宗教、父母关系同社会上的势利和政治一样,在他笔下同样受到辛辣的讥讽。
Often, however, demands of career and parenthood conflict, generating duress and stress. 不过,事业的需要常常与做父母的身份发生冲突而产生某种强迫与压力。
They had played a similar trick with the instinct of parenthood. 对人们要做父母的本能,它耍的是同样的伎俩。
Women no longer view matrimony as a necessary station on the road to financial security or parenthood. 对女人而言,婚姻不再是获得经济保障和成为父母亲的必经之路。
Planned parenthood in wedlock by the use of contraceptive devices cannot constitutionally be forbidden. 婚姻生活中使用避孕措施进行计划生育不应在宪法上受到禁止。
His experience as a teacher was good training for parenthood. 他做老师的经历对他将来做父亲是有益的锻炼。
The book takes a humorous look at parenthood. 这本书以幽默的笔触论述了父母的身份。
Unmarried life; sex and the single girl; single parenthood; are you married or single? 单身生活;性和独身少女;单身妈妈或爸爸;你已婚还是单身?
Do you think you're ready for the trials of parenthood? 你们认为已经准备好做父母了吗?