If native speakers of English are not to become international corporate pariahs, they will need to learn how to speak global English in other words, to communicate with non-native speakers. 如果英语母语人士不想被国际商业界所遗弃,他们需要去学习如何讲通用英语换言之,就是和非母语人士沟通。
A Geneva-based representative body called American Citizens Abroad said it feared that US citizens would become pariahs, with foreign banks closing their accounts to avoid costly requirements. 总部位于日内瓦的代表机构海外美国公民(AmericanCitizensAbroad)表示,它担心,美国公民可能会变成贱民,因为外国银行可能关闭他们的账户,以避免成本高昂的要求。
In our health conscious times they are often regarded as the pariahs of the office tea round. 在我们拥有健康意识的年代,糖总被看做是办公室茶杯旁的遗弃者。
The BoC deal is among a string of foreign investments that have turned China's high-growth, high-risk banks from international pariahs into a hot sector for overseas investors. 苏格兰皇家银行与中行的交易只是一系列外国投资中的一笔,这些外国投资将高增长、高风险的中国各银行从国际弃儿变成了备受海外投资者青睐的板块。
The former giants of finance are pariahs. 曾经的金融巨头沦落为贱民。
Despite their dominance the business world, they are international pariahs. 尽管他们统治缅甸的商业世界,他们为国际社会所唾弃。
Some groups in the southeast in modern times like Bandang and Shipu all belong to the "pariah" These pariahs were in the lowest level of the society. 近代东南不同地区的“户”、“九姓渔户”、“堕民”、“伴当”、“世仆”、“小姓”、“丐户”,都是事实上的“贱民”群体。