The Parlay X PaymentWweb service supports payment and billing for contents in an open and Web service-based fashion. ParlayX支付Web服务支持以开放的基于Web服务的方式对内容进行支付和计费。
Parlay is a non-profit standard body that was established in1998.It consists of numerous companies. Parlay是非营利标准组织,于1998年成立,其会员由很多公司组成。
The article also briefly focused on an important component of IMS architecture: Parlay X Web services. 另外,我们还简单讨论了IMS体系结构的一个重要组件:ParlayXWeb服务。
It is analogous to a rich toolbox with a variety of tools for the Telecom industry, and SOA Parlay X Web services is among one of the most serviceable of the resources in this toolbox. 可以将其比作电信行业的一个包含各种工具的百宝箱,而SOAParlayXWeb服务则是百宝箱中最有用的资源。
The Parlay X Terminal Status Web service provides similar functionalities as the Presence Web service, only it is simpler and solely allows you to query the status of an IMS terminal device. ParlayX终端状态Web服务提供与在线状态Web服务类似的功能,但更为简单,仅允许查询IMS终端设备的状态。
In addition to customer service support, the Parlay X Web service may add futuristic feature to an automobile. 除了客户服务支持外,ParlayXWeb服务还可以给车辆带来各种革命性的功能。
Before we get into the details, we need to understand more about Parlay. 在深入了解细节前,我们需要了解有关Parlay的一些其他信息。
Simply put, a Parlay X Third Party Call Web service allows you to initiate a call connection between two phones. 简单说来,ParlayX第三方呼叫Web服务允许您发起两个电话之间的呼叫连接。
In the second section, we introduced SOA Parlay X Web services, one of the most serviceable tools in this toolbox. 在第二部分,我们介绍了这个百宝箱中最有用的工具,SOAParlayXWeb服务。
In the last section, we composed an innovative real-world telematic application using some of the Parlay X Web services we introduced in the second section. 在最后一部分,我们使用在第二部分介绍的一些ParlayXWeb服务组成了一个创新的实际电信应用程序。
In the next section, we'll actually utilize a few of the Parlay X Web services introduced above to create an innovative and useful real world application. 在下一部分,我们将实际使用上面介绍的一些ParlayXWeb服务来创建有用的实际创新应用程序。
One of the Parlay X Web services that they could use is the "third party call" feature. 他们使用的ParlayXWeb服务之一是“第三方呼叫”功能。
This is not simply pure imagination; using IMS SOA Parlay X Web services, these scenarios can be implemented right into your very own car! 这并不是想像;通过使用IMSSOAParlayXWeb服务,可以将这些东西在您自己的汽车内实现!
Parlay X Web service-Third Party Call ParlayXWeb服务&第三方呼叫
A Parlay X Presence Web service allows your application to subscribe to a presentity, and synchronously query a presentity's current presence information. ParlayX在线状态Web服务允许应用程序订阅在线状态实体,还能够同步查询在线状态实体的当前在线状态信息。
With the Parlay X SOA Web services interfaces, the application developers can access and leverage the existing IMS services more easily through Web services. 通过使用ParlayXSOAWeb服务接口,应用程序开发人员可以更方便地通过Web服务访问和利用现有IMS服务。
Real World application using IMS Parlay X Web Services 使用IMSParlayXWeb服务的实际应用程序
Can you parlay a hotel room reservation into thousands of frequent-flier miles? 你能利用酒店预订获得上万英里的常客飞行里程吗?
Research of Overload Control Algorithm in the Parlay Gateway Parlay网关中过载控制算法的研究
Many teenagers could parlay simple part-time jobs into higher-skilled training programs. 很多青少年能够将简单的兼职工作当作锻炼他们更高技能的培训项目。
The Application of Parlay X Technology in Mobile Value-added Service Research ParlayX技术在移动增值业务开发中的应用研究
Much now depends on whether Mr Perry can parlay this record into votes from moderate Republicans. 现在很大程度上取决于佩里是否能充分利用这样的背景,从温和的共和党中赢得选票。
Design and Implementation of an Automatic Testing Framework for Parlay X Gateway ParlayX网关的自动测试框架的设计与开发
Computer technology skill are the easiest to parlay into jobs. 电脑工艺技能一旦用到工作中去是最容易产生实效的。
Volvo is trying to parlay its Chinese ownership and late start in the market to its advantage. 沃尔沃正在试图运用中国所有者的优势,并在中国市场发挥后发优势。
The Discussion of the Next Generation Service Creating Platform Based on Parlay X API 基于ParlayXAPI的下一代业务生成平台的探讨
The Research of Overload Control Algorithm Based on Parlay 基于Parlay的过载控制算法研究
MMS Business Research and Design Based on Parlay X 基于ParlayX的MMS业务研究与设计
Design and realization of SIP message mapping model in Parlay gateway Parlay网关中SIP协议消息映射模型的设计与实现
Study on Non-functional Attributes Related to Parlay Gateway ParlayGateway的非功能属性研究
成功地利用;有效发展;使增值 to use or develop sth such as money or a skill to make it more successful or worth more
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