We have been guilty of parochialism, of resistance to change. 我们犯了狭隘的错误,抵制变革。
Despite comments like those from a popular Republican tea partier, parochialism is settling in on Capitol Hill. 尽管这位颇受欢迎的共和党人士(茶党拥护者)发表了这样的评论,但狭隘主义依然盘踞在国会山。
Yet that is more a reflection of a city whose ambitions rarely extend beyond narrow parochialism. 由此却反映出,它的雄心甚少超越一个相当狭隘的范围。
The initial stage of social history looks like a great picture, which was unity of great advantage and historic parochialism. 社会历史发展的初期所展现的公平正义是一幅伟大的图画,是伟大的优越性和历史的狭隘性相共存的。
How can we create a national and global dialogue that transcends such oversimplification and parochialism? 我们要怎样做,才能在全国乃至全球范围内,逐渐克服这样过于简单化的趋势和狭隘主义?
Sometimes, if we abandon some of our parochialism, advantages, and intransigence, we can get more. 有时,如果我们能放弃一些我们的固执,狭隘和一些优势的话,我们可能会得到更多。
It is not mere parochialism, he says. 他说这并非出于狭隘的乡土观念。
He said that it was time the country abandoned its political parochialism. 他说这个国家该抛弃自己政治上的狭隘主义了。
Just as protectionism over trade leads to impoverishment, so parochialism over immigration is likely to lead to a lower standard of living. 正如贸易保护主义会导致贫穷落后,在移民政策上目光短浅也可能导致生活水准下降。
Traditional novel research was limited within novel, paid less attention to the relation between the novel and other arts, and showed its parochialism and limitation on the researching object, content and method. 传统小说研究局限于小说自身,较少关注小说与其它艺术的联系,在研究对象、内容、方法上体现出狭隘性和封闭性。
The principle of privity of contract will, inevitably cause the parochialism of contract law. 合同相对性原则削足适履的做法,会不可避免地造成契约法的封闭化。
It concludes that just the thought mode of parochialism and conservative ideas restricts the innovation of enterprise management, which features treatment of enterprises with feudal hierarchy and official grade as well as operation and administration with the mode of traditional agricultural economy. 分析结果表明:人们潜意识的狭隘性和保守型思维方式制约了企业的管理创新。其现象表征为用封建等级和官本位思想对待企业,用传统农业经济的模式经营管理企业。
That is to say, human beings can create a harmonious and happy paradise if they can overcome parochialism and respect each other. 也就是说,人类只有克服自身的狭隘性,相互尊重,才能建立友爱、和谐、幸福的人间乐园。
Overcome the mental incline that goes against the development of the intuitional thought, including the mental state of echoing what other says, the mental of envy and parochialism, excessive ego evaluation etc. 4从心理健康的角度克服不利于直觉思维发展的心理倾向,包括从众心理、嫉妒狭隘心理、过分自我评价等。
Based on the law of the integrity of the development of culture and productivity, the paper offers an insight into the parochialism of the previous comprehension of productivity, and interprets the development stages of productivity and its historical types. 基于文化与生产力一体化发展的规律,以新的文化视野,审视以往对生产力概念理解的狭隘性,并尝试对生产力发展阶段和历史类型作出新的阐释。
By employing comparative law in the study of editorial science, it is beneficial to overcome parochialism, strengthen logic and workability. 运用比较方法进行编辑学研究,有利于克服编辑学研究中的狭隘性,增强编辑学研究的逻辑性和可操作性。
At that time, the Education of Party was positive to some degree. But its parochialism led to the final failure. 在当时的历史背景下,党化教育有一定的积极意义,但由于其自身的狭隘性,最终仍无法避免失败的结局。
In recent years, along with the mutual osmosis of different subject realm, the contents of folk domicile research break through the scope of opposite parochialism formerly. 近年来,随着不同学科领域之间的相互渗透,民居研究的内容也突破了原先相对狭隘的范围。
To consider the history as a whole, White Deer Plain breaks through the historical parochialism and limitation from the view of parties conflict and class struggle, and describes the primitive and vivid patriarchal clan culture. 《白鹿原》从整体上观照历史,突破了从党派斗争、阶级斗争的角度表现历史生活的狭隘和局限,并描述了原始逼真的宗法文化。
But Japanese education policy reflects its parochialism in that it limits and excludes the education of other nation while attaches great importance to its own, which is unsuited to its title as education power. 但是,日本教育政策的另一面,即在重视发展本民族教育的同时,限制、排斥异民族的教育,则反映了日本教育政策的狭隘性,与标榜自己为教育大国的称号是不相称的。
Started with comparative study of Chinese and Western society, lots of thinkers criticized Chinese traditional parochialism of ancestral welfare guarantee. And they tried to synthesize Chinese and Western social welfare views and build a new system of social welfare guarantee. 很多思想家从中西社会比较研究入手,批判中国传统宗族福利保障的狭隘性,并试图综合中西社会福利思想主张,构建新的社会福利保障体系。
At the beginning of our country was founded, under the political system of centralize, owing to prominence of the literary clannish principia, the social and historical method had taken up a primary station, acquired achievements, but had parochialism inevitably. 建国后的初期,在一元化的社会政治体制下,由于文学党性原则的突出,社会历史方法成为最主要的方法,虽能取得实绩,但有其狭隘之处。
Makes the Greek "polis parochialism" has a more stable compared to the maintenance of the Roman city-state system of social stability. 因此,希腊的城邦本位主义较之于罗马有着更为稳定的维持城邦制度的社会稳定性。
Besides, along with the overwhelming trend of transmigration and transnationalism, Chinese American community has gradually evolved into a transnational group that is no longer confined to or defined by cultural parochialism, ethnical and gender particularism. 另外,值得注意的是,随着当今世界面临的不可阻挡的跨国移民和跨国主义的浪潮,华裔美国女性已逐步演变发展成为不再被文化、种族以及性别狭隘论所限制和定义的跨国世界主义群体。
The holistic political philosophy which is present in a form of city-state parochialism mainly formed in ancient Greek. 形成于古希腊时期的整体主义政治哲学主要表现为城邦本位主义。
First, based on the value of law procedure, the knowledge of the value of law procedure is divided into procedure instrumentalism and procedure parochialism. 首先从法律程序的价值论出发,将对法律程序价值的认识分为程序工具主义和程序本位主义。
By contrast, Chinese people tend to be more conservative and industrious, with a strong sense of adversity and a deep sense of "parochialism", which can also be found in their views on life as well as their educational concept and ideas. 中国人大都遵从中庸思想,保守,勤劳,有较强的忧患意识和乡土观念,这一点也可以从其人生观以及教育理念体现山来。
In the age of cultural globalization, each traditional culture of an ethnic group faces the challenge, while the writers try to reconstruct their culture as a dominant one, they should not go back to the parochialism of cultural explanation and the nationalism. 在文化全球化时代,每一个民族的传统文化都面临着巨大的挑战,虽然作家们强调重塑民族的文化主体性,同时也要避免狭隘的文化阐释和文化民族主义。
Globalization broke the local parochialism of the agricultural economy era, showing an outward, breaking boundary, state boundary restrictions, to the global trend. 全球化打破了农业经济时代的地方狭隘性,表现出一种外向的、突破国界、州界的限制,走向全球的趋势。
Moral parochialism is the most obvious theory limitation of his ethical thoughts. 道德本位主义是辜鸿铭伦理思想突出的理论局限。