Conclusion: CTS plays an important role in distinguishing benign and malignancy of parotidean mass and it is much better than CT. 结论:CTS对腮腺局限炎性肿块与恶性肿瘤的鉴别比CT及其它影像有独特的优势,对良恶性肿瘤的鉴别有重要价值,且有进一步组织学定性的意义。
Significance of CT Findings in the Diagnosis of Parotidean Phyma 60例腮腺肿块CT特征的诊断意义
CT Diagnosis of the Parotidean Tumors 腮腺肿物的CT诊断
Conclusion The study on blood supply of the extracranial segment of the facial nerve can provide anatomic basis for avoiding injury of the nutrient arteries of the facial nerve during operation of the parotidean and masseteric region clinically. 结论了解面神经颅外段动脉血供来源及分布,为避免腮腺咬肌区手术损伤面神经营养血管提供了解剖学基础。