Lewis bobs, parries outside and counter-punches with the right cross. 刘易斯低头躲过,向外抵挡,用右手交叉拳还击。
Instead of answering he parries with another question. 他没有回答,却用另一个问题回避过去了。
When private persons are the moving parties, other parries to the proceeding shall give prompt notice of issues controverted in fact or law; 如果该裁决的提起一方是私人,那么参与该程序的其他当事人应迅速通知其所争议的事实和法律问题。
She parries questions from some of her tens of thousands of avid followers with witticisms and cool charm. 她以俏皮的语言和冷艳的魅力巧妙地应对着她那些数以万计的殷切的追随者的问题。