The problem is, however, that SAX is a read-only, sequential parser. 然而,问题是SAX是一个只读的、连续的解析器。
I have written a JUnit test for the parser as well. 我还编写了用于该解析器的JUnit测试程序。
In addition to the Java XML parser, XSL can also parse XML using XPath expressions. 除了JavaXML解析器以外,XSL也可以使用XPath表达式解析XML。
Xerces-C++ is a very robust XML parser that offers validation, plus SAX and DOM APIs. Xerces-C++是一个非常健壮的XML解析器,它提供了验证,以及SAX和DOMAPI。
SetFeature(): This is another SAX-originated method that allows you to set DOM-and SAX-related features of the parser. setFeature():这是另外一个起源于SAX的方法,允许设置解析器的与DOM相关的和与SAX相关的特性。
XML Schema offers a better solution: Tell the parser to load the schema from the document namespace. XMLSchema提供了更好的解决方案:告诉解析器从文档名称空间加载模式。
A domain determines the parser that is used when parsing and serializing the message. 域确定了在解析和序列化该消息时使用的解析器。
In this document, I will use Xerces-C++ to represent the XML parser for C++. 在本文档中,我将用Xerces-C++来表示用于C++的XML解析器。
Marshalling components embed an XML parser, so you can be sure that they implement the syntax fully. 编组组件内嵌有XML解析器,可以确信它们完全实现了语法。
The first section of a yacc file defines the objects that the parser will manipulate and generate. yacc文件的第一部分定义了解析器将要处理和生成的对象。
If you're using the Apache Xerces parser, you can enable validate for both DOM and SAX parsing. 如果您正在使用ApacheXerces解析器,您能够同时启用对DOM和SAX的解析。
Once the XML data model is defined, it can be instantiated in the application using a DOM parser. 定义了XML数据模型之后,可以使用DOM解析器在应用程序中实例化XML数据模型。
The XML parser converts whatever the document is written in to Unicode strings and char arrays. XML解析器对任何写入到Unicode字符串和字符数组中的文档进行转换。
After you receive the XML data, you can process it in the PHP XML parser. 获取XML数据后,就可以在PHPXML解析器中处理这些数据了。
If you try to open an XML document, the XML Parser might generate an error. 如果试图打开一个XML文档,XML解析器可能会生成一个错误。
Although the syntax of pseudo-attributes is similar to XML attributes, the SAX parser does not decode them. 虽然伪属性的语法与XML属性相类似,但SAX解析器不对它们进行译码。
As we will see, once the XML hits the parser, it is too late. 正如我们将看到的那样,一旦XML到达了解析器,那么就为时已晚了。
To invoke the parsing code in Parser_1, you invoke the method simpleLang() in that class. 要调用Parser1中的解析代码,需要调用该类中的方法simpleLang()。
An XML parser can parse any XML document, but it still needs a model to perform validation. XML解析器可以解析任何XML文档,但它仍然需要模型来执行验证。
This comes with a parser to support the parsing and writing of messages. 还随之提供一个解析器以支持消息的解析和写入。
In push parsing, you define methods within your code that implement interfaces defined by the parser API. 在推解析中,您在代码中定义了一些方法,这些方法实现了由解析器API定义的接口。
A parser may or may not use a model when parsing. 解析器在执行解析时可能使用也可能不使用某个模型。
It has a general-purpose, model-driven parser that can parse binary messages, text messages, and XML documents. 它具有模型驱动的通用解析器,可解析二进制消息、文本消息和XML文档。
SAX is a serial access parser API for XML. SAX是针对XML的一个序列访问解析器API。
Then you can create other threads for parsing; each thread creates one parser. 然后您可以创建其他用于解析的线程(每个线程创建一个解析器)。
This allows the application code to pull events from the parser. 这将允许应用程序代码从解析器中pull事件。
Like DOM, the JSON parser can be memory-intensive to use. 像DOM一样,JSON解析器可以用于内存密集型应用。
The SAX parser runs on a callback model. SAX解析器运行在回调模型上。
It needs a functioning Linux system with a working C compiler and XML parser to work. 工作需要一个起作用的Linux系统,并带有可以工作的C编译器和XML解析器。
Eval is possible as long as we ship with a parser and interpreter for Ruby code. 只要我们一起发布Ruby代码的解析器和解释器就可以使用eval。