Results The major diseases for in-patients were as follows: fetation partus and puerperium complication, damage and toxication, tumor, respiratory and digestive system etc. 结果妊娠分娩及产褥期并发症、损伤和中毒、肿瘤、呼吸系统疾病和消化系统疾病等为本院住院患者的主要病种。
Results: 4 cases of them were pregnant and the pregnancy rate was 21.1%. 3 cases had been partus matures. 1 case aborted. 结果:19例患者治疗后妊娠4例,妊娠率为211%,3例足月分娩,1例妊娠流产,无1例有严重并发症。
Even 41 weeks gestation is not pregnancy prolongation, but the perinatal mortality rate of is higher in partus after 41 weeks gestation than in due partus. 妊娠41周虽然不是过期妊娠,但妊娠41周后分娩较足月分娩的围产儿死亡率明显增加。