暴发户;新贵 If you describe someone as a parvenu, you think that although they have acquired wealth or high status they are not very cultured or well-educated.
Parvenus love the Louis Vuitton logo, the researchers say. 研究人员们说,新贵喜欢路易威登(LouisVuitton)标识。
Though they posed as Texans, she knew they were Connecticut parvenus who preferred to summer in Maine. 尽管他们自称德州人,但实际上她知道布什父子是康涅狄格人,并且连渡假都在缅因州。
A Wandering Spirit: the Parvenus and the Make-up Movement Under the Small-Peasant Consciousness in the City 一个不散的幽灵:暴发户与小农意识下的城市化妆运动
In the stock market, some investors handle the proper, thereby prompt parvenus; Great majority contrary investors get bogged down among it, with their fund deeply jailed or shrinking, and their state is disgusting. 在股票市场上,有些投资者操作得当,从而迅速暴富;相反大多数投资者身陷其中,或深度套牢,或资金缩水,状态不堪入目。