In the parvocellular region of the paraventricular nucleus and in the adjacent periventricular region, about 10%~ 20% NOS positive cells were also stained by c fos immunohistochemistry. 在室旁核的小细胞部及其附近的区域约有10%~20%的中小型NOS阳性细胞同时表达c-fos蛋白,其它部位偶见双染细胞。
The parvocellular part to each areas of the prefrontal cortex; 丘脑腹后内侧核小细胞部向额前皮质各区有投射;
The result showed that the numbers of Fos expression neurons were significantly reduced by the two kinds of treatments. The result suggests that central noradrenergic pathway and prostaglandin are involved in the IL 6 and TNF induced excitation of parvocellular neurons of PVN. 结果显示,这两种处理均可使Fos表达细胞数目明显减少,说明白细胞介素6、肿瘤坏死因子诱导室旁核小细胞神经元Fos表达的作用与中枢去甲肾上腺素通路和中枢前列腺素有关。