WTO Director-General Pascal Lamy acknowledges the global economy is going through an uncertain and difficult period. 世贸组织干事长拉米承认,全球经济正经历着不确定性和困难的时期。
WTO Director-General Pascal Lamy says there has been enough foot-dragging. 世贸组织总干事拉米表示,多哈回合已经拖延得太久了。
Next came languages like Pascal and C, which provided higher order constructs such as "if-then-else" statements. 接下来的语言例如PascalandC,它们提供了更高次序的结构例如“if-then-else”语句。
Pascal was well thought out; it had strong typing and good support for data structures. Pascal是经过精心设计考虑的语言;它具有很强的类型和对数据结构的良好支持。
In the early1970s, the University of California at San Diego implemented the VM approach for execution of compiled Pascal. 在20世纪70年代早期,圣地亚哥的加州大学实现了用于执行编译的Pascal的VM方法。
If you learned programming in the'70s or early'80s, you probably learned the Pascal language, which is Niklaus Wirth's best-known masterpiece. 如果你在70年代或80年代早期接触编程,你可能曾学过Pascal语言,这门编程语言就是NiklausWirth最著名的杰作。
Coping with complexity led to structured languages such as Pascal and C, which created hierarchical structures of state variables that provided a useful partitioning of the state space. 为了解决复杂性,而产生了结构化的语言,例如Pascal和C,生成了提供状态空间的有用分割的状态变量的层次结构。
The lexers for case-insensitive languages like Pascal and VHDL are slightly more complicated because they must parse, for example, begin and BEGin and generate the same token for the parser. Pascal和VHDL等大小写敏感语言中的lexer要复杂一些,因为它们必须解析begin和BEGin等内容并为解析器生成相同的标记。
Even on trade, Pascal Lamy, director-general of the World Trade Organization, recently rang alarm bells, noting that more than 100 trade-restrictive measures were implemented by the Group of 20 leading nations in the previous seven months. 即便在贸易领域,世界贸易组织(WTO)总干事帕斯卡尔拉米(PascalLamy)最近也敲响了警钟,他指出,二十国集团(G20)成员国在过去7个月里累计实施了100多项贸易限制措施。
Languages like C, PASCAL, and BASIC fall into this category. 像C、PASCAL和BASIC这样的语言就属于这一范畴。
Pascal was a man of manifold but contradictory qualities. Pascal是个多才多艺然而性格矛盾的人。
In PASCAL or PL/ 1, the upper or lower limit to the subscript values of an array dimension. 在PASCAL或pl/1语言中,数组维数下标值的上下限。
Of your one true Lord and future king pascal. 一个真正的君主,未来的派斯卡国王。
This is what Pascal means when he says that we are only truly happy when daydreaming about future happiness. 这也正是帕斯卡所谓的:真正的快乐来自于对未来快乐的白日梦。
Pascal's law is illustrated by the operation of a hydraulic press, shown in Fig 12-3. 如图12-3帕斯卡定律可用液压机的作用来说明。
If we focus on the coefficients alone, we find Pascal's triangle again. 如果我们只注意系数,就重新得到Pascal三角形。
Java is, indeed, a new computer language, like Basic, C, or Pascal. 事实上,Java与Basic、c或Pascal一样是一种新型计算机语言。
However, Pascal Lamy, its director-general, said the decline appeared to be slowing. 不过,世贸组织总干事帕斯卡尔拉米(PascalLamy)表示,贸易量的下降似乎正在放缓。
Pascal "is creating a market among both Chinese and Western collectors," Blackburn suggests. 帕斯卡“正在创造一个中国和西方收藏家都认同的市场”。
Name is tung, my name is Pascal and we are cuba. 我是瑞贝卡,我叫唐,我是帕斯卡,我们是古巴人。
In classes I took to get my degree in Computer Science, I programmed in Pascal, Assembly, and C& languages I never actually got paid to program in professionally. 我正在攻读我的计算机学学位,我编程使用Pascal,汇编和C语言,事实上我从来没有把它当成职业以求获得回报。
Robert MacLean, who led a research project for Mr Mandelson on trade barriers and market access, says Pascal Lamy, former EU trade chief, was more focused on multilateral trade deals and the Doha process. 受曼德尔森委派、负责一个贸易壁垒和市场准入研究计划的罗伯特麦克莱恩(robertmaclean)表示,前任欧盟贸易专员帕斯卡拉米(pascallamy)更专注于多边贸易协定和多哈回合的进程。
Do use Pascal casing for all public member, type, and namespace names consisting of multiple words. 对于由多个单词组成的所有公共成员、类型及命名空间名称,要使用pascal大小写。
Pascal was therefore only partly right. 因此帕斯卡说的不全对。
Automatic Deletion of Subdirectory by Using PASCAL Language 用PASCAL语言实现自动删除子目录
Eloquence is a painting of the thoughts-Blaise Pascal, philosopher and mathematician ( 1623-1662). 雄辩是思想的一幅画&布莱西。帕斯卡,哲学家和数学家。
Its mathematical foundations were laid in the17th century with the development of probability theory by Pascal and Fermat. 其数学奠定了基础在17世纪的发展,概率论的Pascal和费尔马。