The environmental consequence of polyaspartic acid ( PASP) is comprehensively evaluated. 对聚天冬氨酸(PASP)的环境影响进行了综合研究。
The scale inhibition performance of PASP-ATMP compound was studied using static scale inhibition method. 采用静态阻垢法对聚天冬氨酸(PASP)与氨基三亚甲基膦酸(ATMP)复配物阻垢性能进行研究。
Polyaspartic acid ( PASP) was synthesized by self-catalysis process with microwave using maleic anhydride and ammonium acetate as raw materials. 以马来酸酐和乙酸铵为原料,在微波条件下用自催化法合成了聚天冬氨酸(PASP)。
Research on Calcium Sulphate Scale Inhibition Performance of PASP/ EDTMP Compound Scale Inhibitor PASP/EDTMP复配阻垢剂对硫酸钙阻垢性能的研究
Both PASP and POCA belong to excellent calcium carbonate inhibitor, When scale inhibitor concentration is only several milligrams each liter or a dozen milligrams each liter, the scale inhibition rate can be more than 90%; PASP和POCA均属优异的碳酸钙阻垢剂,阻垢剂浓度仅需几毫克/升或十几毫克/升,阻垢率就可达90%以上;
There is no influence for the properties of soil by using PASP. 施用肥料增效剂聚天冬氨酸对土壤性质无明显影响。
The optimum reaction conditions for the synthesis of PASP were determined by means of orthogonal experimental design, and the polymer was verified by IR spectrum. 通过正交试验设计确定了合成聚天冬氨酸的最佳反应条件,用红外光谱对聚合物做了表征。
The complex of PASP will be the trend of development for green water treatment corrosion inhibitor. 复配聚天冬氨酸可作为今后绿色水处理缓蚀剂的发展方向。
Conclusion PGE_1 can significantly decrease the PASP and PVR of patients with cor pulmonale, and has some effect on PaO_2 and SO_2, but has little effect on PaO_2 and SO_2 of the patients with PP emphysema. 结论PGE1可显著降低肺心病病人的PASP和PVR,且对病人的PaO2及SO2有一定的影响,但如果病人的肺气肿类型为BB型,则对PaO2及SO2基本无影响。
Methods: The serum concentration of TNF, NO, pulmonary artery systolic pressures ( PASP), right and left ventricular ejection fraction ( RVEF, LVEF) were determined in all patients and normal controls. 方法:用放免法测定血清TNF含量,用硝酸还原酶法测定血清NO含量,用彩色多普勒诊断分析仪测定左、右心室射血分数(RVEF、LVEF)、肺动脉收缩压(PASP)。
The effect of PASP dosage and molecular weight on performance of scale inhibition was also analyzed. 考察了聚合物用量及相对分子质量对阻垢性能的影响。
Phosphono PASP has been prepared. 自行制备了含膦酰基聚天冬氨酸。
The results of the test provide reference assistance for the application of PASP in industrial field. 试验结果为聚天冬氨酸的工业应用提供了参考价值。
Patients 'PASP descensus degress with middle PH was more significant than that of critical PH. 中度PH患者较重度pH患者的PASP下降明显,二者差异显著;
The main research contents are as follows: Adopting the static experiment method, the scale inhibition performance of PASP and POCA is studied. 主要研究内容如下:采用静态阻垢实验方法,分别研究了PASP和POCA的阻垢性能。
PASP is a kind of water treatment pharmaceutical which people found in recent years. Because of complete biodegradation, it belongs to the green chemicals. 聚天冬氨酸(简称PASP)则是近年来人们发现的一种水处理剂,由于它可以完全生物降解,属绿色化学品。
Within the experimental temperature the inhibitor ability of PASP decreases with the rise of the temperature; 缓蚀性能随着温度的升高而降低;
Conclusion RV myocardium IVRt/ RR is a reliable and accurate technique for quantitatively evaluating PASP. 结论右室心肌IVRt/RR是定量估测PASP的可靠准确技术。
Anti-fouling Experimental Study of a Green Compound Scale Inhibitor PASP/ POCA for Heat Transfer Enhancement 绿色复合阻垢剂PASP/POCA的抗垢强化传热实验研究
For the first time the combination system of PASP with oxided starch has been developed and the optimum concentration has been set. 本文首次研究开发了聚天冬氨酸与氧化淀粉的复配体系,确定了最佳的配比浓度,并发现复配后对碳酸钙的阻垢性能较单纯的聚天冬氨酸优异。
By tests of aerobic biodegradation, it is concluded that PASP is a readily biodegradable polymer. 好氧生物降解性试验表明,PASP属易生物降解性有机物。
IR show evidence of synthetic polymers is modified PASP ( MPASP). 通过红外光谱证明合成的聚合物为改性PASP(ModifiedPASP,简称MPASP)。
There is no phosphor in PASP, it is not poisonous and can be totally biologic decomposed in the environment. PASP不含磷,无毒,进入环境中能完全生物降解,是公认的绿色聚合物和水处理剂的更新换代产品。
The development status and application potential of green scale inhibitor PASP are introduced. 并对绿色阻垢剂聚天冬氨酸类阻垢剂的发展现状和应用前景作了介绍。
The effect of different scale inhibitors [ polyaspartic acid ( PASP), 2-phosphono-1,2,4-tricarbocylic butane ( PBTCA) and amino-trimethylene-phosphonic acid ( ATMP)] on flow subcooled boiling heat transfer was also examined. 同时还考察了不同阻垢剂[聚天冬氨酸(PASP)、2-膦酸丁烷-1,2,4-三羧酸(PBTCA)及氨基三甲叉膦酸(ATMP)]对流动过冷沸腾传热的影响。
Research on Scale Inhibition of PASP in Water with High Concentration of Ca~ ( 2+) and Alkali PASP在高钙高碱水质中的阻垢性能研究
The results indicate that PASP is a highly effective water treatment agent, which has better thermal stability and scale inhibition to be applied in high temperature water system and circulating water system with high concentration of calcium and alkali. 结果表明,PASP阻垢率高,具有良好的热稳定性,对高钙高碱有良好的抗负荷冲击能力,是一种阻垢性能良好的绿色水处理化学品。
But, the fiber structure was destroyed in the experimental process. 2. The influence of the PASP molecules on the composite materials was studied. 但是,实验过程中纤维膜中的纤维结构遭到了破坏。2.研究了聚天冬氨酸对复合材料的影响。