The smudges on tinplating steel sheet are mainly formed during flowing and electrolytic passivation treatment. 弥散在镀锡材料表面的颗粒状黑色物质&黑灰,主要产生于软熔阶段和阴极电解钝化阶段。
Through investigation, the optimal solution formula and process conditions for low chromium white passivation technology are obtained. 通过研究低铬白色钝化工艺,得到了低铬钝化液的最佳配方及工艺条件。
Study of a new passivation process for copper and its alloys; 铜及其合金具有优异的机械加工性能而广泛地应用于各种工业。
Electrochemical study on hydrogen peroxide passivation during boiler pickling 锅炉酸洗过氧化氢钝化工艺的电化学实验研究
Trivalent Chromium Black Passivation for Zinc Deposit and Its Influence on Corrosion Resistance 镀锌层三价铬黑钝化工艺及其对耐蚀性的影响
Study of Trivalent Chromium Bright Blue Passivation Process for Zinc Coating 镀锌层三价铬蓝白色钝化工艺的研究
So the laser cavity surfaces are treated under the optimum passivation conditions. 然后,在这个优化的条件下对激光器腔面进行钝化。
Several alternative chemical treatments are defined for passivation of stainless steel parts. 几种可供选择的不锈钢部件化学钝化处理在此有详细规定。
The effects of the components of trivalent chrome passivation bath on the appearance and corrosion resistance of the passivating film are investigated. 采用正交试验法对镀锌层三价铬黑色钝化工艺组分进行优化,研究了工艺参数对钝化膜外观和耐蚀性的影响。
A new method for post treatment of porous silicon, sulfur passivation by microwave plasma assistance in vacuum, is reported in this paper. 报道了对多孔硅进行后处理的一种新方法,即真空中微波等离子体辅助的硫钝化处理。
The processes of iridescent passivation for zinc coatings and colorless chemical oxidation for die-casting aluminum alloys were introduced. 介绍了压铸铝合金镀锌彩钝和无色化学氧化工艺。
The optimal processing parameters and conditions of passivation films on galvanized steel sheet treated with rare-earth cerium and lanthanum salts were obtained by orthogonal experimental method. 运用正交试验分别对稀土铈盐和镧盐钝化进行试验,得出该两种稀土盐钝化镀锌钢板的最优参数和工艺条件。
Study on corrosion resistance of trivalent chromium passivation films on zinc coatings electroplated by different processes 不同镀锌工艺三价铬钝化耐腐蚀性研究
The passivation technology of galvanized steels were reviewed in details, specially the development of research on organofunctional silanes films and their anti-corrosion performance. 综述了有机硅烷的结构、分类、钝化工艺和缺陷,以及有机硅烷在镀锌板上的研究进展和耐蚀性能。
Effect of Different Additives on Corrosion Resistance of Passivation Film on the Galvanizing Coating 添加剂对镀锌层钝化膜耐蚀性的影响
The development and features of chromate-free passivation for metals are summarized. 评述了文献报道和各种不同的无铬钝化工艺的特点及其发展现状。
XPS Analysis of Chromium Element in Chromate Passivation Film Formed on Tinplate in Different Surface State 不同表面状态镀锡钢板铬酸盐钝化膜中铬元素的XPS分析
The surface modification methods for preventing silver products from tarnishing were summarized, such as surface passivation, surface plating and surface coating. 概述了防止银产品变色的表面改性方法:表面钝化、表面镀膜和表面涂膜,并着重介绍了表面涂膜法。
In this paper, an active coated Ti-anode for cobalt electrodeposition in chloride system is studied, in which emphasis is placed on analyzing the passivation causes of coated Ti-anode. 本文报道了在氯化物体系中电积金属钴的活性涂层钛阳极的研制工作,着重分析了活性涂层钛阳极的钝化原因。
Effects of Grain Size on the Corrosion Behaviors of Zinc and Trivalent Chromium Passivation Film on Zinc 晶粒尺寸对纯锌及其表面三价铬钝化膜腐蚀行为的影响
Galvanized to trivalent chromium and hexavalent chromium passivation passivation process. 镀锌为三价铬钝化及六价铬钝化工艺。
It has also been observed that, the passivation of zinc substrate in contact with the electrolytic solution appeared to take place according to coupled electrochemical reaction and passivation mechanism, rather than simple chemical reaction mechanism. 同时发现,锌在电解质溶液中的钝化现象不是按简单的化学机理进行,而是按共轭电化学反应和共轭钝化原理进行。
Study of Backside Passivation in InSb Focal Plane Detector Device Processing: Etching. Surface passivation; dielectric films. InSb焦平面探测器背面钝化的研究元件制程:蚀刻,表面钝化,介电材料薄膜。
Passivation is a method by which chemical agents react with metal surfaces to render the surfaces nonreactive. 钝化是由化学试剂与金属表面产生反应给与表面不反应的方法。
The effects of grain size on the electrochemical corrosion behaviors of zinc and trivalent chromium passivation film on zinc have been studied respectively by electrochemical methods. 利用电化学方法分别研究了晶粒尺寸对纯锌及其表面三价铬钝化膜腐蚀行为的影响。
Effect of heat treatment on anti-nutrition factor passivation in soybeans 热处理方法对大豆中抗营养因子的钝化作用
The influences of the temperature on passivation operation and production quality for ammonia synthesis catalyst after reduced are explored, and the optimum passivation temperature is found. 探索了氨合成催化剂还原后的温度对钝化操作与产品质量的影响,确定了最佳的钝化温度。
These bubbles collect on the surface of the work piece and interfere with passivation. 这些气泡聚集在工件表面上阻碍了钝化作用。
The influences of surface passivation of photoluminescence and electroluminescence properties of porous silicon have been presented. 报道多孔硅的表面钝化对其光致发光和电致发光的影响。