Thick patchy fog and irresponsible driving were to blame 局部浓雾和驾驶员不负责任是罪魁祸首。
Bottle tans can make your legs, arms and face look a patchy orange colour. 瓶装美黑剂可能会让你的腿、手臂和脸呈现出深一块、浅一块的橙色。
The evidence is patchy 证据不充分。
Transport is difficult, communications are patchy 交通困难,通信时断时续。
The rest of the acting is patchy at best. 剩下的表演顶多算是差强人意。
The signs of improvement are patchy, however. 然而,这些好转的迹象并不平衡。
This shadow liability is hard to analyze, as data is patchy and valuation methods vary. 我们很难分析这种影子负债,因为相关数据非常零散,估值方法也不尽相同。
So far, although China supports limited sanctions, diplomats say its enforcement record is patchy. 到目前为止,虽然中国支持对朝有限制裁,但外交人士说中国对朝制裁的执行情况并不完全令人满意。
IPOs have reflected the patchy international recovery since the financial crisis. 金融危机以来,全球复苏的不均衡一直能在IPO市场中得到体现。
It just felt inept and desperately patchy. 这只是感觉无能和拼命参差不齐。
Overall, the censorship machine has had only patchy success. 总体而言,审查机器只是在一定程度上取得了成功。
I have only a patchy knowledge of Spanish history. 我对西班牙历史只是略知一二。
Rectal sparing and patchy disease activity is not characteristic of UC patients with PSC. 直肠不受累和斑块性炎性病变活跃不是UC-PSC患者的特征。
Although surveillance to detect cases has improved, it remains patchy. 虽然已改进监测以发现病例,但仍然是不完整的。
And continued global imbalances and the patchy outlook for global growth add to the uncertainty that lies ahead. 此外,全球收支持续失衡和全球增长前景不佳增大了今后的不确定性。
Also, growth appears distinctly patchy when looked at industry by industry. 而且,按照行业进行分析,增长表现出明显的不协调。
Sometimes senior jobs are shared in the public and voluntary sectors, but even there the record is patchy. 有时候,公共和志愿者行业存在分担高级职位的情况,但即便在这些领域,记录也是褒贬不一。
Apple has a patchy record of securing patents and trademarks in this fast-growing but challenging market. 苹果在中国这个快速增长但充满挑战的市场上申请专利和商标的道路一直坎坷不平。
The economy has long-standing weaknesses, including congested transport, unreformed schools and patchy skills. 英国经济也有长期存在的劣势,包括拥挤的交通,缺乏改革的学校教育以及停滞不前的技术。
The evidence for a widespread RNA-based regulatory system is strong, albeit still patchy. 以RNA为基础的调节系统广泛存在的证据虽然不完备,但却相当有力。
Many voters and analysts point to his patchy record in implementing his reform agenda during his time in office. 许多选民和分析师指出,他上台后在推行改革方面只取得了零碎的成绩。
In contrast to his patchy performance in Congo and elsewhere, Mr Moreno-Ocampo is trusted by many Kenyans. 与他在刚果和其他地方时好时坏的表现不同,许多肯尼亚人信任莫雷诺-奥坎波。
In unregulated markets quality control is patchy. 不受制约的市场中质量控制是有漏洞的。
Internet access was also patchy and slow, but among the biggest disappointments was the videophone function. 互联网接入也不理想,速度很慢。但最让人失望的是可视电话的功能。
India will continue to play catch-up with China for some time as coverage is patchy. 由于网络覆盖仍不完善,印度在未来一段时间内将继续追赶中国。
The sun has faded the curtains so the colours are rather patchy. 窗帘被阳光晒得褪了色,显得斑斑驳驳。
Demand for the product has been patchy. 对该产品的需求一直都是小范围的。
Agriculture officials rely on patchy information about global supply and stocks of food commodities, hampering policymaking. 各国农业官员们一直依靠零零碎碎的全球农产品供应和库存信息,这阻碍了他们的决策工作。
I must admit that my knowledge of science is patchy. 我必须承认我的科学知识只是一鳞半爪。
Progress is patchy, or too slow, or entirely stalled, as is the case with maternal mortality. 进展过于零碎,过于缓慢,或完全受阻。孕产妇死亡率就是一个很好的例子。