Observation of curative effect in treatment of comminuted fracture in upper or inferior pole of patella by partial patellectomy and extending knee installation reconstruction 髌骨部分切除伸膝装置重建术治疗髌骨上、下极粉碎性骨折
Objective To investigate the clinical effects of tension band internal fixation of patella, partial patellectomy and modified partial patellectomy on displaced fracture of patella in the elderly. 目的评价髌骨张力带内固定术、部分切除术及改良式部分髌骨切除术治疗老年移位性髌骨骨折的疗效。
Conclusion The technique can recover the knee motion function after patellectomy, it is on effective method. 结论利用缝匠肌改善髌骨切除后的伸膝功能,是一理想的治疗方法。
Method: Animal model of partial patellectomy in 16 mature female New Zealand White rabbits ( 18-week-old) were established and randomly classified into 2 groups. The ultrasound group was given low-intensity ultrasound exposure daily while the control group had sham exposure. 方法:建立兔髌骨部分切除模型,16只成年雌性新西兰白兔随机分为2组,超声组每日接受低强度超声刺激,对照组给予假刺激。
Biomechanical Experiment and a Preliminary Report Following Modified Partial Patellectomy for Polar Fracture of the Patella 改良髌骨部分切除术生物力学实验与初步临床报道
13 excellent and 1 good in modified partial patellectomy. 改良式部分髌骨切除术:优13例,良1例。
Since 1992 the authors adopted a modified partial patellectomy to treat 13 patients with polar fracture of the patella. All patients were satisfied with the results. 我科自1992年10月以来,采用髌骨部分切除、钢丝重新附丽髌韧带贴近髌骨前面骨皮质的改良方法治疗髌骨上、下极骨折13例,按陆裕朴的评定标准,优良率达100%。
Total knee arthroplasty after patellectomy 髌骨切除病人的全膝关节置换术