There is also a philosophy, pathologically classified, which denies the sun; this philosophy is called blindness. 按病理分类,也还有一种否认太阳的哲学,那种哲学叫做瞎眼论。
Regardless, many parents today remain almost pathologically obsessed with seeing their children proceed to university. 不管怎样,今天的很多家长过分地执着于要看到自己的孩子上大学。
Paraffin-embedded tissue blocks of sentinel lymph nodes obtained from patients with pathologically negative sentinel lymph nodes were centrally evaluated for occult metastases deeper in the blocks. 前哨淋巴结病理学阴性患者的前哨淋巴结石蜡切片用于评估切片中更隐匿的转移。
Methods: The clinical data and MR imaging in16 cases of myositis ossificans pathologically proved were reviewed retrospectively. 对16例经手术或穿刺病理证实为骨化性肌炎患者的临床和MR检查图像进行回顾性分析。
My conclusion: he was too pathologically mean to turn the lights on, let alone redecorate. 我的结论:他吝啬得过于病态,甚至连灯都不愿意开,更不用说装修房间了。
The exterior-interior relationship of the twelve meridians not only strengthen the connection between each specific pair of meridians with exterion-interior relationship, but also promote each pair of zang-fu with the exterior-interior relationship to coordinate each other physiologically and influence each other pathologically. 十二正经的表里关系不仅加强了表里两经的联系,而且加强了每对相表里脏腑之间的联系使它们在生理上相互协调,在病理上相互影响。
You're pathologically optimistic and with that comes this amazing sense of wanting to be free. 你的乐观超乎寻常,而且伴随着一种极度想要自由的渴望。
You have this pathologically suspicious girlfriend. 你有一个多疑到病态的女友。
For the women fo the upper east side, adultery is pathologically ignored. 对于上东区的女人而言,婚外情是被视而不见的。
Conclusion Though pathologically not marked, CCSP content in BALF was significantly lower in rats48hrs after being injected with LPS peritoneally. 结论腹腔注射脂多糖48小时后,尽管肺部病理改变不显著,肺泡灌洗液中CCSP仍然显著减少。
Results: The tumors were adhered to one side of pulmonary vein in 9 cases pathologically the adventitia of vein was invaded by the neoplastic tissue. 结果:手术所见9例肿瘤与肺静脉一侧壁粘连,病理观察肿瘤只侵及血管外膜。
One does not have to be pathologically prudent to turn down that option. 人们不用达到病态谨慎地步,也应该知道拒绝这一选项吧。
There are characteristic clinical stages of MF but the diagnosis should be confirmed pathologically. 本病虽然有特征性的临床分期,但一般需要通过病理检查确诊。
Methods: The clinical data of346 cases pathologically diagnosed as salivary gland malignant neoplasms were analysed retrospectively. 方法:对经病理确诊的346例涎腺恶性肿瘤的临床资料进行回顾性分析。
This paper presents the ultrasonographic patterns and locality classification of 22 male patients 'urethral vegetations pathologically confirmed. 本文对22例病理证实的尿道赘生物进行超声分型。
Pathologically excessive production of thyroid hormones; characterized by increased metabolism and exophthalmos. 在病理学中,甲状腺激素分泌过剩;突出特征是新陈代谢增强、眼球突出。
In this article, the clinical features of pathologically confirmed metastatic bone tumors were analyzed for further improvement of early diagnosis and treatment. 本文旨在总结分析经过病理确诊的转移性骨肿瘤病例的临床特点,以进一步提高临床早期诊断和治疗水平。
Objective To describe a form of interstitial lung disease pathologically characterized by small airway-centered interstitial fibrosis ( ACIF). 结论气道中心性间质纤维化不同于其他间质性肺病,但其是否为一个独特的疾病有待进一步明确。
A total of187 patients with face tumors proved pathologically from Air Force General Hospital were diagnosed with naked eyes, Polari-light dermoscopy ( DP) and soakage dermoscopy ( DS) respectively. 收集来院就诊并病理确诊的颜面部肿瘤患者共187例,分别经肉眼、皮肤镜偏振法(DP)和皮肤镜浸润法(DS)诊断,将结果进行回顾分析。
METHODS: The clinical data and imaging manifestations of30 cases with pathologically confirmed benign lacrimal gland tumor were analyzed retrospectively. 目的:探讨CT对泪腺良性肿瘤的诊断价值。方法:回顾性分析30例经病理证实良性泪腺肿瘤临床资料和CT影像资料。
18 cases of basal cell carcinoma ( BCC) of the eyelids were analyzed clinically and pathologically. 对18例眼睑基底细胞癌进行临床和病理分析。
Electron micrographs today can even show how cells interact with each other, and change pathologically during diseases. 电子显微照片甚至能够展示细胞是如何互相影响和它们在患病时是如何变异的情况。
Methods TVS and TAS examination of200 patients pathologically diagnosed as ectopic pregnancy was retrospectively studied. 方法比较分析200例经手术确诊的宫外孕患者的TAS与TVS检查所见。
Therefore, the liver and gallbladder are closely related physiologically and pathologically. 因此,肝胆在生理和病理上紧密联系。
The data presented here further support the previous hypothesis that pathologically distinct subtypes of gastric cancer undergo different genetic pathways during tumorigenesis. 这些资料进一步证明,高低分化的胃癌可能具有不同的发病机理。
Pathologically, large amounts of foam cells in diseased pulmonary alveoli and interstitial fibroplastic proliferation were seen, pulmonary cholesterol granuloma was found in 2 cases. 病变肺组织肺泡内有大量泡沫细胞和间隔的纤维增生,2例有肉芽肿样改变。
Results All4 fetus were diagnosed as cystic lymphangioma with MRI, which was then proved pathologically. 结果4胎经MRI诊断为胎儿囊性淋巴管瘤,均由产后病理得到证实;
I thought we got rid of that pathologically ambivalent persist three years ago. 我本来以为三年前,我们已经摆脱那个阴晴不定的病态自恋狂了。
Materials and Methods: Forty six cases of pituitary apoplexy, proven surgically and pathologically, were analyzed retrospectively. 材料和方法:对手术和病理证实的46例垂体卒中进行回顾性分析。