Influence of Warming Yang and Resolving Phlegm Method on the Myocardial Enzyme and Myocardial Pathomorphology of Acute Myocardial Ischemia Rats 温阳化痰法对急性心肌缺血大鼠心肌酶及心肌病理形态学的影响
Effects of Methotrexate on synovium pathomorphology and expression of nuclear factor-κ B in the synovium of adjuvant arthritis rats 甲氨喋呤对佐剂性关节炎大鼠滑膜病理和核转录因子-κB表达的影响
Observation of brain tissue oxidation and pathomorphology to the aluminium intoxication chicken. 铝中毒雏鸡脑组织氧化状态及病理形态学观察;
Aim: To observe the effect of Valeriana Officinalis Var Latifolia Miq ( VOL) on study and memory ability and pathomorphology change of hippocampal region in vascular dementia model mice. 目的:观察宽叶缬草对血管性痴呆模型小鼠学习记忆及海马区神经元病理学改变的影响。
Effects of Fire-needle on Thyroid Pathomorphology of Rats with Hypothyroidism 火针温补法对甲状腺功能减退大鼠甲状腺病理形态学的影响
Effect of Resuscitating Acupuncture Therapy on Pathomorphology of Brain Tissues with Ischemic-reperfusion Damage In Rats 醒脑开窍针法对脑缺血再灌注大鼠脑组织病理形态的影响
Study on pathomorphology of traumatic proliferative vitreoretinopathy after GM 6001 intervention GM6001干预外伤性增生性玻璃体视网膜病变的病理形态学研究
Investigation on Pathomorphology of Meynert Basal Nuclei Nerve Cell in Depression Models of Different Cotemporary Sd Rats 不同年龄组抑郁症模型鼠Meynert基底核病理形态学研究
Effects of Bastard Speedwell Total Flavonoids on Pathomorphology of Prostate and the Correlated Tissues of Prostatitis Model Mice 水蔓菁总黄酮对前列腺炎模型小鼠前列腺及相关组织形态的影响
Exploration and Practice of Innovative Experiment Teaching of Pathomorphology 基于病理形态学创新性实验教学的探索与实践
Pathomorphology of BALB/ c mice infected experimentally with coxsackievirus B3 from Sichuan golden monkey 柯萨奇B3病毒川金丝猴分离毒株实验性感染BALB/c小鼠的病理形态学
Effect of peritonitis pathomorphology on rabbit model in peritoneal dialysis Morphological changes of human peritoneum during peritoneal dialysis 腹膜透析相关性腹膜炎兔模型的病理形态学观察腹膜透析对人腹膜形态结构的影响
Observation of Pathomorphology of Primary Hepatic Carcinoma in Tarim's Cervus elaphus Linnaeas 塔里木马鹿原发性肝癌的病理形态学观察
Conclusion Tongbi Prescription can alleviate the changes of the pathomorphology affected with rheumatoid arthritis. 结论痛痹方有抑制类风湿性关节炎组织病理改变的作用。
The impact of progestogen on blood fat and vascular pathomorphology in ovariectomized female rats 孕激素对去势雌性大鼠血脂及血管病理形态学的影响
Methods Pathomorphology of9 cases of PCMT was observed with HE staining? histochemistry and immunohistochemistry, and their clinical data were analysed. 方法:应用HE染色,组化及免疫组化标记对9例PCMT进行了形态学观察,并对其临床资料作了分析。
Objective To explore the value of diagnosing ventricular septal defect ( VSD) position associating with pathomorphology by using echocardiography. 目的探讨超声心动图从病理形态方面诊断室间隔缺损(VSD)部位的价值。
Diagnosis and Pathomorphology Observation for Fowl Typhoid Salmonella 鸡伤寒沙门氏菌病的诊断及病理形态学观察
Objective To study the effects of psychological stress on experimental rabbit atherosclerotic plaque pathomorphology and peripheral blood adhesion molecule CD11a and intervenient action of propranolol, in order to find out the immunological mechanism of propranolol in stabilizing atherosclerotic plaque. 目的研究应激对实验性家兔动脉粥样硬化(AS)斑块的病理形态学和外周血黏附分子CD11a的影响及普萘洛尔的干预作用,以探讨普萘洛尔稳定AS斑块的免疫学机制。
This article reports pathomorphology of 10 swine died of toxoplasmosis. 本文报告了10例猪弓形体病的病理形态学特征。
In this paper, we observed pathomorphology of blood from bone marrow biopsy from 100 cases. 本文报告100例骨髓穿刺活检,进行了血液病理形态学观察。
Effect of Vagina Effervescent Tablet of Chinese Drugs on Pathomorphology of Cervical Inflammation in Rats 中药阴道泡腾片对实验性大鼠宫颈炎病理形态学影响的研究
Mean arterial pressure ( MAP), wound healing time, bacteriology ration and pathomorphology of different groups were observed and detected during different periods after the corresponding intervention. 在相应干预后的不同时间对各组动物的平均动脉压(MAP)、创面愈合时间、细菌学定量、病理形态学进行观察和检测。
Objective: To study the pulmanory pathomorphology and intervention of salvianolic acid on bleomycin-induced pulmonary fibrosis in mice and rats. 目的:探讨博莱霉素所致肺纤维化小鼠、大鼠模型的病理变化,并研究丹参总酚酸的干预作用及相关机制。
The reliability of the model was evaluated by observing changes of neurobehaviory, electrophysiology, gross pathology and pathomorphology. 通过观察动物的神经行为学、脑电生理学及病理形态学变化情况,对该模型的可靠性进行客观评价。
Objective To establish a mouse aplastic anemia model by using cyclophosphamide and methylbenzene, and research its pathomorphology. 目的以环磷酰胺和甲苯联合应用的方法建立小鼠再生障碍性贫血动物模型,并进行病理学观察。
The regeneration of common peroneal nerve was observed with pathomorphology and nerve electrophysiology technology. 以手术暴露、钳夹法造成大鼠腓总神经损伤模型,灌胃给药,应用病理形态学技术和神经生理技术,观察腓总神经再生情况。
A Study on CT Signs and Pathomorphology of Thyroid Tumor 甲状腺肿瘤CT征象和病理形态学研究
Methods: 202 patients with thyroid adenoma or struma nodosa were examined with ultrasonography pre operation and with pathomorphology post operation. 方法:对202例甲状腺腺瘤患者和结节性甲状腺肿患者进行术前超声检查与术后病理对照,将两者声像图进行对比研究。
The changes of microstructure of pathomorphology were observed by light microcopy. 光学显微镜观察缺血心肌病理形态学的变化,电子显微镜观察缺血心肌超微结构的变化。