The clinical observation of earlier period Colligation nursing relieve NPC patien radiation therapy ill effect 早期综合护理减轻鼻咽癌患者放疗副作用的临床观察
The widely application of the radio knife alleviates the patien's pain and improve the medical quality. 高频电刀的广泛应用,减轻了病员痛苦,提高了医疗质量。
Objective To evaluate the patien ts 'kidney disfunction which were caused by sim ple jaw fracture or jaw fracture with brain injury and investigate the remedial methods. 目的探讨单纯性颌骨骨折与颌骨骨折合并脑损伤患者肾功能紊乱及纠正肾功能紊乱的对策。
Conclusions It was showed the nosocomial infection in severe brain injury patiens was significantly correlated with patien's condition, the duration of hospitalization, using antibiotics and invasive diagnosis and treatment procedure. 结论对病情重,住院时间长,应用抗菌药物治疗和实施了侵入性诊疗操作的重症颅脑损伤患者,应采取相应护理对策,预防医院感染的发生。
Clinical statistics show that above 80% patien dead for invasion and metastases, such study ovarian cancer invasion and metastases is extremely important thing. 临床统计80%以上的患者死于肿瘤的浸袭和转移,因此探索卵巢癌浸润、转移机制至关重要。
Method: employing ELISH technique assay urine α 1-microglobulin and urine trace albumin and transferring and urine IgG in 27 systemic lupus erythematosus patien and 30 health. 方法:采用ELISH法测定27例系统性红斑狼疮患者及30名健康人尿α1-微球蛋白、微量白蛋白和转铁蛋白、尿IgG。
Digitalized hospital is a new hospital form in the information time. It is a work platform that utilizes digital technique to provide fine quality services and low expenses for patien. 数字化医院是信息时代的一种全新医院形态,是利用数字技术为病人提供优质服务和低费用支出的一种工作平台。
TURP is a safe and effective procedure which can be performed in most of the BPH patien-ts, with less postoperative Complications and short hospital days. TURP是一种安全、可靠的手术方法,与其他手术相比,具有手术并发症少,住院时间短等优点。
The characteristic of acute myocardial infarction in young patien and the observation of thrombolysis effect 急性心肌梗死年轻患者发病特点及溶栓疗效观察
Finally using Logistic regression equation constructed discriminant fnction, it can be used to predict the patien-ts with different syndromes of Traditional Chinese Medicine. 最后借助Logistic回归方程构造了判别函数,以期可以利用该函数预测不同证型的病人。