Change of medical model required that medical professional provided patient-oriented medical service. 前言:医学模式的转变要求医疗工作者“以病人为中心”进行诊疗实践。
Patient-oriented functional goal for physical therapy 物理治疗与以患者为中心的功能性目标
Through these practices, the hospital achieved patient-oriented service in outpatient department and improved the integrated status. 通过人性化管理与创新,实现了“以病人为中心”的门诊人性化服务,提升了医院的整体形象。
New-type Rural Cooperative Medical Referral Patient-oriented and Research 新型农村合作医疗病人转诊取向及相关因素研究
That is to say, perfect account systems should be established by collecting finance information of income and expenses at first so as to attain patient-oriented general goal of hospital information system plan. 先期目标从医院费用信息(收支两条线)入手,通过建立完善的经济核算体系,最终实现以临床医疗信息为核心的齐鲁医院信息系统规划的总体目标。
All of these ask the hospitals to change the present design of diagnosis process that starts from the convenience of management and faces the internal function as soon as possible, and implement Business Process Re-engineering ( BPR) that is patient-oriented and facing the service target. 这一切无不要求医院必须尽快改变现行的以方便管理为出发点、面向内部职能的就诊流程设计,进行以病人为中心、面向服务对象的业务流程再造。
A Brief Introduction to a Patient-Oriented Hospital Environment Design 试论以病人为中心的医院环境设计
According to patient value principle, competitive advantage principle and centralization advantage principle, it should shift to patient-oriented and make profit for patient with technological service. 根据患者价值原理、竞争优势原理、集中优势原理,在营销实践中,加速一直以病人为中心,向技术服务给病人带来利益为核心的转移。
The patient-oriented eczema measure: Development and initial validation of a new tool for measuring atopic eczema severity from the patients'perspective 湿疹检测法:一种从患者角度检测异位性皮炎严重程度的具有有效性、发展性的新工具
Questionnaire as an assessment of patient-oriented approach is widely used in the PFD clinical treatment and research. 问卷作为一种以患者为主导的评估方式,在PFD疾病临床治疗以及研究中,应用日益广泛。
This feature connotes the idea of patient-oriented in modern medical treatment service and must lead to the objective of meeting the biggest demand of the patients. 这种特征本身就内含了现代医疗服务以病人为中心的宗旨理念,也必然衍生出满足病人最大需求的价值目标。