They were staunch British patriots and had portraits of the Queen in their flat. 他们是英国坚定的爱国者,并在公寓里挂着女王的肖像。
The patriots unfurled the banner of freedom. 爱国志士们打出了自由的旗帜。
All patriots belong to one big family, whether they rally to the common cause early or late.; All patriots belong to one big family, whether they come forward early or late. 爱国一家,爱国不分先后。
All patriots belong to one big family, no matter when they rally to the common cause. 爱国一家,不分先后。
As I have said, there were patriots who supported this war, and patriots who opposed it. 就像我曾经说过的,有许多支持这场战争的爱国者,同样有反对战争的爱国者。
In football, it was Patriots against the Giants. 橄榄球赛消息:爱国者队对抗巨人队。
The nation is divided, half patriots and half traitors, and no man can tell which from which. 国家分成两边,一半爱国,一半卖国,无人可以分清哪是哪。
I have cherished meeting these selfless patriots and their families. 我珍惜与这些无私的爱国者以及他们的家人的会晤。
All patriotic parties and all patriots will fight on and persist in unity. 全国一切爱国党派,一切爱国同胞,也是一定要战下去,团结下去的。
At that time some patriots even suggested that the Americans should adopt Hebrew or Greek! 当时一些爱国志士甚至建议美国应当采用希伯来文或希腊文。
And I know that in this crowd today, there is no shortage of patriots, or of patriotism. 我知道,今天聚集在此的人群中,并不缺乏爱国者,也不缺乏爱国精神。
They broke into the prison and set all the patriots free. 他们打进监狱,把爱国人士全都释放了。
They are represented as true patriots in the book. 在书中他们是真正的爱国者。
The Pentagon is repaired, and filled with patriots working in common purpose. 五角大楼被修复了,我们的工作人员为了共同的目标在为国家工作。
They are genuine patriots. 这一类是真爱国主义。
The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. 自由之树,必须经常用爱国志士和暴君的鲜血来浇灌。
People called the Patriots heroes. 人们把那些爱国者称作英雄。
In other words, according to Fichte, German patriots should now expose the myth of French universalism. 换句话说,根据费希特,德国爱国者现在应该揭露法国普遍的神话。
Half the men in this church, including you, Father, and you, Reverend, are as ardent patriots as I. 这个教堂里有一半的人,包括你,父亲,还有你,牧师,都和我一样是满腔热情的爱国者。
As teachers and engineers, doctors and parents, these patriots have made contributions to civilian life that serve as a testament to their dedication to the welfare of our country. 这些爱国者,作为教师、工程师、医生和家长,为老百姓的生活做出了贡献,证明了他们为国造福的奉献精神。
"Other patriots" refers primarily to the enlightened gentry. 所说的其他爱国人士,则主要地是指的开明绅士。
China's patriots, whatever their nationality and religion, have made considerable progress along this road. 各民族的不同宗教的爱国人士有了很大的进步。
We will not only show the world what patriots are made of. 我们不但要向世人展示爱国者的风范。
Those who meet these requirements are patriots, whether they believe in capitalism or feudalism or even slavery. 只要具备这些条件,不管他们相信资本主义,还是相信封建主义,甚至相信奴隶主义,都是爱国者。
I see I am surrounded by patriots, hmm? 我看我被爱国者包围了,嗯?
How many patriots, stand by a common fate with the motherland. 又有若干爱国志士,与祖国同甘苦共命运。
The same aspirations may destroy all or save all, and may produce scoundrels or patriots. 同样是抱负,它既能毁灭一切,也能拯救一切,它能产生恶棍,也能早就爱国者。
A coalition of patriots that would set aside party dogma and lead the nation towards recovery. 将捐弃党派教条并领导全国走上复兴之路的爱国志士联盟。
Of course he is a great modern Chinese patriots and revolutionaries. 当然他是近代中国一个伟大的爱国者和革命家。