Application of Patulous Kalman Filter Algorithm in UWB Location 扩展卡尔曼滤波算法在UWB定位中的应用
Detection of acid reflux and esophageal motor function for asymptomatic patulous cardia patients and its significance 无症状贲门松弛患者酸反流食管动力检测及意义
Locomotive Circuit Simulation and Achievement Based on Patulous Petri Nets 基于一类扩展Petri网的机车电路仿真建模及其实现
It is including import block, export block, patulous memorizer block and communication network block in the system. 本硬件系统主要包括输入模块、输出模块、存储器扩展模块和网络通信模块等。
Moreover, the author analyzes the basic factor, common factor, regional factor and single factor that affects city land-value and analyzes structure type of spatial development, patulous model of city land expand and the basic model of city land-value spatial structure. 分析了影响城市地价变动的基本因素、一般因素、区域因素和个别因素,分析了空间发展的结构类型、城市用地形态扩展模式以及城市地价空间结构的基本模式。
To make the teaching methods more scientific, systemic, comprehensive, multiple, patulous, modern, professional and pedagogic; 课程小型化、弹性化。体育教育本科专业学生综合素质教学方法体系应坚持八化:科学化、系统化、综合化、多元化、扩展化、现代化、专业化、师范化。
Patulous Application of FCA Based on TSP Measurement Model 基于TSP度量模型的FCA扩展应用
This paper has analysed the features, formation and patulous factors of the cracking in the large steel storage tanks, discussed the mechanism of stress corrosion cracks, which is considered being related to H 2S and welding stress. 析了大型钢制球罐裂纹的性质、形成和扩展的有关因素,讨论了球罐应力腐蚀的损伤机理,应力腐蚀开裂是与H2S的质量分数和焊接应力等因素有关。
This thesis proposed a frame of Storage Security Surveillance System, and briefly introduced each function modules including CAN bus and sensor signals collecting and processing units, emergency processing module, video monitoring unit and patulous functions. 本文构建了一种仓储安全监控系统的框架,并简要介绍了各个功能模块包括:CAN总线和传感器信号采集与处理单元、应急处理模块、视频监控模块,以及可扩展的功能。
Based on some of the prob-lems in administering computer network, the paper expatiates upon the divisions of computer network, the administering contents of the Intranet and the external net, and the administer-ing contents of the patulous Intranet. 本文针对网络管理中的一些问题,阐述了计算机网络的划分,内部网络的管理内容,外部网络的管理内容,以及内部扩展型网络的管理内容。
And this provides condition for shaping the tourists 'new cultural personality, which is patulous and multiplex cultural personality by tourism. 这一现实为旅游塑造旅游主体新的文化人格,即一种扩展而多元整合的文化人格提供了条件。
The results show clearly that the longitudinal joint still is patulous and kinetic at present. 说明纵缝目前仍是张开的和活动的。
On the base of intrinsic network patulous structure and safe mechanism in corporation, according to the universal framework of intrusion detection, the thesis constructs a model of intrusion detection system applied to the corporation database. 在企业原有网络拓扑结构和安全机制基础之上,按照通用入侵检测框架,本文构造出一个企业数据库入侵检测系统模型。
After discussing the difficult problem of the little town E-government system popularize, considering disadvantage of the little town economic condition and informationization. The paper studies and builds the little town E-government system based on Struts+ EJB patulous framework. 为解决小城镇电子政务系统的推广使用的难题,针对目前中国小城镇经济条件和信息化现状的不足,研究并构建了基于Struts+EJB拓展框架的小城镇电子政务系统。
Designed the data-base management system based the SQL Server 2000. It realize not only the automatic storage and inquire, but also offer the favorable patulous capability to test other product. 设计了基于SqlServer2000的数据库管理系统,实现了数据自动存储和查询,并为试验台用于其他产品的测试提供了很好的扩展性。
The paper gives the whole control system design of the in-pipe robot, which includes electro-magnet drive module, CPLD patulous module, wireless communications module, power module. 介绍了机器人控制系统的总体设计方案,包括电磁铁驱动模块、CPLD扩展模块、无线通信模块、电源模块等。
In order to describe the complexity of aircraft and make the Digital Product Definition ( DPD) model hereditable and patulous, a Product-Process-Resource ( PPR) Knowledge Model for aircraft is presented. 为描述飞机产品的复杂性,使数字化产品定义模型具有良好的可继承性和可扩展性,提出了飞机产品-过程-资源知识模型。
Conclusion: TTAG is an important method for diagnosis and following up in patulous eustachian tube syndrome. 结论:TTAG法是诊断和随访咽鼓管异常开放症最有价值的手段。
Via the patulous "newsvendor problem", we study the performances of the capacitated supply chain. 建立一个1供应商N零售商的两级供应链,通过扩展的报童问题,研究在供应商存在能力限制时的供应链运作情况;
The Vector-spectrum is a joint name of vector spectrum and its patulous analysis methods, they fuse the double channels 'information and remain the meanings of corresponding traditional methods. 全矢谱分析技术是矢量谱分析及其一系列扩展分析方法的统称,它在融合了双通道数据信息的同时,又保留了相应传统谱分析的物理意义。
In order to meet analysis decision information demands of director and office man, it could use Web data-warehouse reform great date to form useable patulous manipulative date. 因此可以利用Web数据仓库技术,将办公自动化系统中的海量数据重组,构成可用、可控、可扩展的数据组织,以满足企业各级主管和办公、业务人员分析决策的信息需求。
What deserves to be mentioned that the author introduces the concept of the whole network patulous coefficient, and the scale length of shape and scale length of scheme can be contacted effectively, so that the research of quantitative relation between them becomes possible. 值得一提的是,通过对全网扩展系数概念的引入,有效联系了形态规模与方案规模,使他们之间的定量关系研究成为可能。
Then patulous integrated performance index method is presented, which can improve the efficiency of accident classification. 然后提出了扩展综合性能指标法,来提高判断事故严重性的效率;
A patulous research on organizational knowledge innovation mechanism 组织知识创新机制扩展研究
Bring forward how to choose of circuit element through error analysis and the method of patulous measure rule was discussed. 通过误差分析提出电路元器件的选取,讨论了量程扩展的方法。
Software running on Windows operating system has much advantage, such as the interface is friendly, easier to operate, flexible, patulous and so on. 基于Windows操作系统的软件具有人机界面友好、易操作、灵活、可扩展等特点。
Chaos synchronization is found to be usefully and greatly potential in many disciplines such as secure communication, patulous frequency communication, communication compression and so on. 混沌同步的应用领域很多,包括保密通信、扩频通信、信息压缩与存储等等。
The thesis adopted patulous Petri Net to model and analyze fault diagnosis system of transformer substation, then designed fault monitor software of transformer substation. 因此,本文应用扩展Petri网的行为理论,对变电站故障诊断系统进行了建模与行为分析研究,并开发了变电站故障监控系统软件。
Combined with practical instance, researching methods of modeling, defining abstract model of virtual-components, encapsulating this former based on. NET groupware technology, finally received favorable independency, patulous and repetitive-used of virtual-components. 3. 研究了虚拟器件的建模方法,结合本课题的实际情况,定义了虚拟器件的抽象模型,使用基于.NET组件技术封装该模型,使得虚拟器件具有良好的独立性、扩展性和重用性。