Arthur approved a measure in1882 excluding paupers, criminals, and the mentally ill. Arthur在1882年通过了排斥移民、罪犯和精神有问题的人的措施。
The co-operative introduced here is the "paupers 'co-op" led by Wang Kuo-fan. 这里介绍的合作社,就是王国藩领导的所谓穷棒子社。
For indian paupers, a slum is a home that can protect their dignity. 对于印度贫民来说,贫民窟是他们保有尊严的家园;
Soon the nobles became poor and the rich became paupers. Cries of distress resounded everywhere in Holland. 瞬息间,贵族变贫民,富翁成乞丐,荷兰陷入一片萧条。
He was degraded in their eyes; he had lost caste and station before the very paupers. 他在他们的眼光里是坍台了;他在贫民前面丢了体面和地位。
Paupers in downtown London lived miserably in the old days. 过去,伦敦城里的贫民过着悲惨的生活。
In religion other countries are paupers; India is the only millionaire. 在宗教上其他的国家都是穷人,印度是唯一的「百万富翁」。
In the movie world, always has some paupers, the status is base and low, the moral nature is actually good, is a full of affection seed. 在电影世界里,总有一些穷小子,地位卑微,却心底善良,是个多情种子。
A little gaggle of hedge fund stars in a corner were doing this particularly effectively, looking swanky and causing much resentment among the comparative paupers who had not jumped ship. 角落里的一小群对冲基金明星把这点做得尤其淋漓尽致。他们看上去非常时髦,令那些没有跳槽的叫花子同辈愤愤不平。
As a consequence, country airs circulated in Soho with vigorous freedom, instead of languishing into the parish like stray paupers without a settlement; 因此乡野的空气可以轻快有力地周游于索霍,而不至像无家可归的穷汉闯入教区里一样畏缩不前。
Dove said that what he loves about the perfume is its universal appeal to princesses and paupers looking for that Hollywood red carpet feeling. 达夫表示此款香水让他喜欢的一点是其对上至公主,下至渴望感受好莱坞红地毯的贫民具有同样的吸引力。
The great principle of out-of-door relief is, to give the paupers exactly what they don't want; and then they get tired of coming. 街头救济嘛,运用得当,太太,运用得当能起到保卫教区的作用,街头救济的首要原则就是,专拣穷小子们不需要的东西给他们,然后他们就再也不想来了。
There was arising from the seized land not only a new rural bourgeoisie but new paupers. 随着土地的兼并,不但产生了新的农衬资产阶级,而且产生了新的穷人。
With Tianjin's opening as a commercial port and the development of industry and commerce, the paupers possessed comparatively much less social wealth. 随着天津开埠通商和工商业的发展,贫民阶层在社会资源的占有上处于劣势。
The social security measures in the Two Han Periodfunctioned mainly in three aspects: safeguarding the refugees and paupers, doing some repairs after natural disasters, and curbing the powerful clans. 两汉时期政府的保障行为主要体现在对流民和贫民的保障、灾后补救和抑制豪强这三个方面。
Microfinance, carried out for more than twenty years in china, plays an important role in helping paupers get rid of poverty, and has been a new force in promoting development of rural finance. 小额贷款业务在我国开展已有二十余年的历史,自开展以来为农村中低收入人群脱贫致富发挥了重要作用,已经成为农村金融市场的新兴力量。