Every debt he owed in the world, including the pawnshop, with its usurious interest, amounted to less than a hundred dollars. 他在世界上欠下的每一笔帐,包括高利贷的当铺债务,加在一起也不到一百元。
In the morning he paid every bill, gave Maria three months'advance on the room, and redeemed every pledge at the pawnshop. 早上他还清了一切欠债;预付给了玛利亚三个月房租地赎回了当铺里的一切。
So, he decided to solve the problem on his own by turning to a pawnshop, he explains. 无奈之下,秦观决定向当铺求助,自己来解决这个问题。
After that first attempt proved a success, Qin saw the pawnshop as a good source of cash. 首次典当成功后,当铺就成了秦观眼中的自动取款机。
Pawnshop ain't open. I need cash now. 当铺没看,我需要现金。
The pawnshop is a kind of special industrial and commercial enterprise. 典当行作为一种特殊的工商企业,已成为时下人们讨论的热点。
The History channel, meanwhile, announced a reality series about a Las Vegas pawnshop. 同时,历史电视台宣布,将播出一个关于拉斯维加斯的当铺的真实秀。
Pawnshop guy said he wiped it down before he planned to move it. 当铺的人说准备转卖前他把枪擦干净了。
I could pawn my old padded gown, perhaps, but I don't think any pawnshop will take it. 就把这破绵袍子去当罢!但是当铺里恐怕不要。
Thus, my newly-made cotton-padded gown, which had not been worn even once, accompanied me to the pawnshop. 新做起来的我的棉袍,一次还没有穿,就跟着我进当铺去了!
I was afraid of that pawnshop's big red door, afraid of its high counter. He pushed open the swinging door and walked in. A long counter separated the people in the office from those outside. 我怕当铺的那个大红门,那个大高长柜台。推进弹簧门,一排长柜台把馆内人跟馆外人隔开;
Why did you go to the pawnshop? Did you steal something and go there to pawn it? 你去押当干什么,是不是偷了东西去典当。
Not far ahead was the high front wall of the Hung Chang Pawnshop. 前面不远就是宏昌典当的高墙。
Apart from the pawnshop, which is out of commission, I shall do my best to keep all my factories and shops going until the Mid-Autumn festival. 中秋以前,除了宏昌当无法继续营业,其余的厂房和铺子,我就一力维持。
While bank loan growth has been about 20 per cent annually, pawnshop managers say their loan books have been doubling every year or two. 虽然银行贷款以每年约20%的速度保持着增长,但据典当行的经理们说,他们的贷款规模每一两年就会翻一番。
But the financing is only meant to be for a few months and businesses have lapped up the pawnshop loans. 不过,贷款期限往往只有几个月,因此,对于典当行的贷款,企业也就欣然接受了。
One pawnshop has printed fliers detailing all the documents required of homeowners, including utility bills and title deeds: another has taken out advertising space on taxi windows. 一家典当行已印发宣传页,详细列明房主需要准备的所有文件,包括水气电账单和产权契证:另一家典当行则在出租车的车窗上打了广告。
China's stock market mania has reached the dowdy, two-room offices of the Tiancheng pawnshop in central Shanghai. 中国股市的狂热,已经波及上海市中心天成典当行。
A Study on the Key Competitiveness Improvement of Xi'an WTG Pawnshop 西安市WTG典当行核心竞争力的提升对策研究
Her new silk dress had already gone to the only pawnshop in town to raise money for the maid's wages. 她那件大绸新旗袍,为的要付吴妈的工钱,已经上了当铺;
Even the pawnshop didn't want it. 上当铺当铺也不收。
One day I was sent to the pawnshop with a mirror. 这一天,我拿的是一面镜子。
CHARM bracelet festooned with trinkets, worn and slightly dented, hangs in the window of a pawnshop in Paddington, in west London. 一个样式精致的配饰手镯挂在伦敦西部,帕丁顿的一家典当行的橱窗上,看起来有些时日了。
The family moved as refugees to Santiago, where she remembers walking to the pawnshop to get money for the family's meals. 她们全家作为难民搬到了圣地亚哥&妈妈还记得那时她步行到当铺去换钱给全家人买饭的情景。
In a survey of pawnshop customers, Elaine Kempson, from Bristol University's Personal Finance Research Centre, found that over half had pawned possessions to buy daily necessities, including food. 布尔斯托尔大学个人金融研究中心,ElaineKempson,在对典当行客户中调查发现,超过一半人靠典当购买日常所需,包括食物。
They needed more warehouse space, so they bought up some of the empty houses around their pawnshop to use as warehouses. 由于需要扩大仓库,他买下了当铺周围的一些空房子当作库房。
The majority of the pawnshop owners were landlords or merchants tied to the landlords. 当铺老板大都是地主或与地主有联系的商人。
I ran with all my might to the pawnshop, but the big door was already shut tight. Clutching the silver hairpin, I sat down on the steps and cried softly, not daring to make too much noise. 我尽了我的力量赶回当铺,那可怕的大门已经严严的关好了。我坐在那门墩上,握着那根银簪。
The year I was to graduate from primary school, Mama sent me to the pawnshop again. 当我要在小学毕业那年,妈又叫我去当当了。
Lang Hua was still lying on the bed with the same aversion to a pawnshop. 郎华仍躺在床上,和我出来的时候一样,他还不习惯于进当铺。