It is required to separately list the beginning balance, ending balance and proportion to total amount of payables according to their categories ( like other payables and advance payments, etc.); 按应付款项类别(其他应付款、预收账款等)分别列示应付款项的期末数、期初数以及占总额的比例;
I recorded premium payments, prepared bank deposits, and sorted payables. 我要记录保险赔偿金,准备银行押金,将收到的付款分类等。
Full Accounting Functions, including general account responsibilities, customer billings, accounts receivables and payables, general ledger, inventory, taxation. 全部会计职能,包括一般会计责任,客户帐单,应收帐款和应付帐款,总帐,库存,税收。
Ensure timely, complete and accurate recording and payment of accounts payables& receivables. 确保及时、完全、正确的记录和收付应收、应付账款。
For large amount of accounts payable, items received in advance and other accounts payables over a period of one year, specify the reasons for not being paid or carried forward and state whether they shall be paid in the events subsequent to the balance sheet date. 账龄超过1年的大额应付账款、预收账款及其他应付款,应说明未偿还或未结转的原因,并在资产负债表日后事项中说明是否偿还。
To review voucher payables, prepare cash reports and review all requests for payments prior to payment. 审核应付凭单,编制现金报告,审核所有付款前的付款请求。
A contra enty of$ 980 was recorded in the payables ledger control account, but not in the payables ledger. 请问这句话大概意思是什么意思,为什么作调整的时候只冲减应付帐款$980余额呢?
To pay ( money owed or due). intra-group receivables and payables 付钱,结帐付清(欠款或应付款)集团内部应收帐款和应付帐款
If you have withdrawals from consignment stock and from pipeline, payables to suppliers ensue. 如果你从寄售库存和管道中提取物料后,就要相应地要给供应商付款。
Long-term notes and accounts payables due within one year or one operating cycle to related parties-current portion; 一年或一营业周期内到期长期应付票据及款项-关系人;
Responsible for accounting of materials for the branches, collecting and recognizing receivables and payables, reviewing expenses, issuing invoices, connecting the branches and head office, etc. 负责分公司物资的核算,应收应付帐款的催收和确认,费用的审核,发票的开具,分公司和总公司的对接等。
Payables due mentioned in this article refer to the payables that should be calculated into relative costs and expenditures of the payer according to accrual basis principle. 本条所称到期应支付的款项,是指支付人按照权责发生制原则应当计入相关成本、费用的应付款项。
This part includes: the accounting of short-term loans, accounts payable, taxes payable, other current payables; 包括:短期借款、应付款项、应交税金以及其他流动负债的核算;
To maximise cash flow from trade and other current payables, whilst minimising capital funds employed in financing fixed and current assets. 扩大贸易现金流和加强其它应收款管理,同时减小目前固定资产的费用。
Provide support and participate in ad hoc payables related projects as assigned. 当做分配提供支持而且叁与特别可付的相关计画。
Nature and reason for other account payables with larger amount shall be given as well; 金额较大的其他应付款,也应说明其性质或内容。
Use this report to verify that total accounts payable liabilities in Payables equal those in the subledger. 用试算表校验应付系统里的应付账款是否与子帐中的数额相等。
Those who have not paid the required difference in the amount payables cannot transfer the land and buildings that they have obtained from the allocation or set up an obligation. 应缴纳差额价金而未缴纳者,其获配之土地及建筑物不得移转或设定负担;
Payables that cannot be classified as accounts payable. 指不能归属于应付帐款之款项。
Or ( 2) by adjusting sales, costs of sales and other items on the income statement for: ① change in inventories and operating receivables and payables; 根据以下项目对利润表中的产品销售收入、产品销售成本以及其他项目进行调整:①本期存货及经营性应收和应付项目的变动;
The paper establishes a payable monitoring model to incorporate the causes of changes in payables and several examples are developed to prove the operation of the model. 本文通过建立应付账款监控模型,把影响应付账款变化的因素进行综合分析,这些因素对现金流金流的影响,并运用案例验证模型的运转效率。
This study makes a comparable analysis on accounts receivables and payables from 1092 companies listed in Shenzhen and Shanghai Stock Exchange, it holds the opinion that enterprise commercial credit shortage lies in its cultural and institutional background. 本文从行业的角度对深沪两市1092家上市公司的应收账款与应付账款进行对比分析,剖析了企业相互之间恶意拖欠导致商业信用缺失的文化与制度根源。
The receivables and payables in the commercial credit featuring term mismatch entail risks of capital chain, which arise from the interaction between "banking credit channel" and "commercial credit channel" under the impact of macro austerity policy. 商业信贷中应收款和应付款普遍的期限错配特征,形成在宏观紧缩政策冲击下银行信贷渠道和商业信贷渠道交互作用机制下的资金链风险。
Economy Trade Defects in management of receivables and accredited payables in enterprises Institutional and Cultural Analysis on Business Credit Shortage Aspect of Accounts Receivables and Payables 企业商业信用缺失的制度文化因素分析&基于应收账款与应付账款角度