The Research of Problem-based Learning ( PBL) in the Moodle Environment Moodle环境下基于问题学习(PBL)的研究
PBL Teaching Method in Teaching Human Anatomy PBL教学法在人体解剖学教学中的应用
The paper explores the application of problem-based learning ( PBL) in anatomy teaching for secondary nursing specialty. 利用自行开发的网络辅助教学系统,探讨以问题为基础的学习方法(PBL)在《流行病学》中的应用。
Application of PBL in Experimental Teaching of Pathology PBL在病理学实验课教学中的应用
PBL Teaching Scheme's Application in Instructing Junior College Gynecologic Nursing Students in Clinical Practice PBL教学法在对妇科大专护生临床带教工作中的应用
Objective Toinvestigate the effect ofPBLmethod in the pediatrics'nurse teaching. 目的探讨儿科护理学开展PBL教学的效果。
Study on influence of PBL teaching method on critical thinking ability of college nursing students PBL教学法对护理本科生批判性思维能力影响的研究
Objective To investigate the application of PBL method in clinical medical oncology teaching. 目的探讨以问题为基础学习(PBL)教学方法在肿瘤内科学临床教学中的应用。
The application of PBL and CBS in genetics teaching PBL与CBS相结合在遗传学教学中的应用
Objective To systematically evaluate the efficacy of problem-based learning ( PBL) applied in continuing medical education. 目的系统评价以问题为基础的学习(PBL)在继续医学教育中的应用效果。
Project-based learning ( PBL) is an instructional method based on the opinions Of constructivism. 项目驱动教学法是一种建立在建构主义理论基础上的新型教学法。
This article made a primary exploration on the application of PBL teaching model in hematologic examination. 对PBL教学法在血液学检验实验教学中的应用进行了初步探索。
On Application of PBL-based Teaching System in VC++ Course 论基于PBL的教学系统在VC++课程中的应用
Application of PBL in clinical medicine teaching An introduction to the role of information technology in contemporary organizations. BPL教学法在医学信息管理专业《临床医学概论》教学中的运用概述信息技术在现代管理中的应用。
The teaching of epidemiology, respectively, in the application of PBL teaching mode and the traditional teaching mode of teaching, and to quantify the comparative teaching effectiveness. 在流行病学的教学中分别应用PBL教学模式和传统教学模式教学,并对教学效果进行量化比较。
Chinese Journal of Microbiology and Immunology The application of PBL teaching method in the teaching of pathogen and immunology 中华微生物学和免疫学杂志PBL在病原生物与免疫学教学中的实践
Status and role of teachers in PBL teaching reform 论PBL教学改革中教师的地位和作用
Application and evaluation of PBL teaching model in experiment teaching of medical university 医学院校生物化学实验教学中PBL教学法的应用与评价
Objective To discuss the application of PBL teaching method in surgical nursery course of nursing discipline. 目的探讨PBL教学法在《外科护理学》教学中的应用效果。
Objective To explore the superiority of problem-based leaning ( PBL) teaching method in standardization training of residents. 目的探讨PBL教学法在住院医师规范化培训中的优越性。
Application and Analysis of PBL and CTM Integration Method in the Curriculum of Nursing Ethics Laws and Regulations PBL融合CTM教学法在《护理伦理与法规》课程中的应用与分析
Application of opening laboratory and PBL teaching method in the experiment teaching of medical laboratory sciences; 开放实验室是实验教学改革中一个重要课题,各高校都在进行开放实验室的探索和实践。
Study and practice of problem-based learning ( PBL) teaching method in experimental teaching of pathology 病理学实验教学中PBL教学法的探索和实践
Application and effect appraisal of PBL teaching method in microbiology experiment teaching PBL教学法在微生物学实验教学中的应用与效果评价
Application and thinking of PBL in laboratory medicine teaching PBL教学模式在实验诊断学教学中的应用与思考
Application of PBL Teaching Method to Opening Pathological Experiments PBL教学法在病理开放性实验教学中的运用
Application of PBL teaching method in clinical nursing manipulation training for student nurses PBL教学法在护生临床护理操作培训中的应用
The Teaching Design and Practice of PBL in the Network Information Retrieval Course PBL在网络信息检索课中的教学设计与实践
Application of PBL teaching model in nursing teaching of infectious diseases PBL教学模式在传染病护理教学中的应用
Objective: To probe into the effect of PBL teaching method in clinical nursing manipulation training for student nurses. 探讨以问题为基础的教学法(PBL)在护生临床护理操作培训中的应用效果。