Numerical simulation of rockburst on the drain tunnel in the Jinping Second Level Hydropower Station Concentrations and Congener Profiles of PCDDs/ PCDFs in Flue Gas Samples from Oil Type Crematories 锦屏二级水电站施工排水洞岩爆数值模拟燃油式火化机排放烟气中二恶英类污染水平和排放特征
The name "dioxins" is often used for the family of structurally and chemically related polychlorinated dibenzo para dioxins ( PCDDs) and polychlorinated dibenzofurans ( PCDFs). 其名称“二恶英”通常用来指结构和化学性质相关的多氯二苯二恶英(PCDDs)和多氯二苯并呋喃(PCDFs)。
The formation mechanism of pollutants, such as dust, acid gas, PCDDs and PCDFs in waste incineration and control measures are introduced. 详细介绍了垃圾焚烧污染物中的飞灰颗粒、酸性气体、二恶英、呋喃类化合物的形成机理及控制措施。
Correlativity between the octanol/ water partition coefficient of PCDDs and their molecular structures PCDDs的结构与辛醇/水分配系数的相关性
Concentrations and Congener Profiles of PCDDs/ PCDFs in Flue Gas Samples from Oil Type Crematories Lean burn mixture combustion of gasoline engine is an effective approach for reducing emissions and fuel consumption. 燃油式火化机排放烟气中二恶英类污染水平和排放特征汽油机燃烧稀混合气是降低有害尾气排放、油消耗率的有效途径。
The long half-lives of PCDDs, PCDFs and "dioxin-like" PCBs mean that each daily ingestion has a small or even a negligible effect on overall intake. PCDF和“类二恶英”PCB的半衰期很长,意味着每天的摄入对总摄入量的影响很小甚至可忽略不计。
Predicting logK_ ( ow) of PCDDs with topological quantum method 拓扑量子方法预测二恶(口英)类化合物PCDDs的正辛醇/水分配系数
Determination of PCDDs and PCDFs in Tissue Samples by Rapid Extraction-ASE 快速溶剂萃取法分析组织样品中的二恶英(PCDDs)和多氯二苯呋喃(PCDFs)研究
PCDDs and PCDFs in waste from thermal decomposition of BHCs 六六六热解残渣中PCDDs和PCDFs的测定
HPLC and GC/ MS have been used for the analysis of PCDDs and PCDFs in solid wastes from production of trichlorobenzenes. 采用HPLC和GC/MS,对我国采用热解六六六法生产三氯苯的废物中PCDDs和PCDFs进行了分析。
In the thermal decomposition process, significant amounts of PCBs, PCDDs and PCDFs were formed although they were existed mainly in the waste and among them, 2, 3,7, 8-TCDD, the most toxic isomer, was found more than 24 ppm. 在热解工艺中,废渣内发现大量的PCBs,PCDDs和PCDFs,最毒的异构体,2,3,7,8-TCDD含量高达24ppm。
Large quantity of tetra-through octa-PCDDs and PCDFs, amounting to about 40 percent of the sample wight were found in the waste. Among them, 2,3,7,8-TCDD, the most toxic congener, was also detected. 在热解残渣中检出了大量四至八氯取代的PCDDs和PCDFs,约占样品量的40%,其中包括剧毒的2,3,7,8-TCDD。
Two main sources of PCDDs and PCDFs, the combustion processes especially the emission from incineration and automobile exhausts, and the industrial processes including sludge from pulp and paper industry which is found to be the most significant new industrial source, were described. 从中可以看到,PCDDs和PCDFs主要来源于燃烧过程特别是焚烧和汽车废气的排放,以及工业过程如制浆及造纸工业的污泥,它被认为是最重要的新的工业污染源。
PCDDs and PCDFs in thermolysis waste of HCH were analyzed by HPLC and GC/ MS. 采用HPLC和GC/MS法对六六六热解废渣中的PCDDs和PCDFs进行了测定。
Several semi-quantitative standards of PCDDs were synthesized by pyrolysis and chromatographic purification, and evaluated by experiments. 以热聚法合成,柱色谱纯化,配制了几种PCDDs的半定量标准,并对其进行了评价。
Dioxins is one kind of permanent organic pollutant, including Dibenzo-p-dioxins ( PCDDs) and dibenzofurans ( PCDFs). 二恶英类化合物是一类持久性有机污染物,包括多氯代二苯并二恶英(PCDDs)和多氯代二苯并呋喃(PCDFs)。