A novel polarization channel drop filter ( PCDF) based on two-dimensional ( 2D) photonic crystals ( PCs) is presented. 基于二维光子晶体,我们设计了一种新型偏振通道下路滤波器。
The long half-lives of PCDDs, PCDFs and "dioxin-like" PCBs mean that each daily ingestion has a small or even a negligible effect on overall intake. PCDF和“类二恶英”PCB的半衰期很长,意味着每天的摄入对总摄入量的影响很小甚至可忽略不计。
In addition, the pretreatment methods of biology food samples, analysis of PCDD and PCDF were reviewed in detail. 另外,对生物食品,二恶咽的分析及样品前处理进行了详细评述。