The PDK also helps with debugging through a debug plug-in. PDK还有助于通过调试插件完成调试。
You will see the PDK contents afterwards. 随后您会看到PDK的内容。
The PDK is a licensed product. PDK是一个许可产品。
You must accept the license presented to continue and unpack the contents of the PDK. 您必须接受许可条款才能继续解包PDK的内容。
He has rich experience in pattern development and is now mainly responsible for the PDK Eclipse user interface part. 他有丰富的模式开发经验,目前主要负责PDKEclipse用户界面部分。
The PDK provides a wizard to generate a plug-in project skeleton. 该PDK提供一个向导,生成一个插件项目框架。
There are four projects in the form of plug-ins included in the PDK ZIP package. 有四个插件形式的项目包含在PDKZIP包中。
For more details about the maestro module and the advanced log such as maestro. trace_call, see the plug-in PDK. 有关maestro模块和maestro.tracecall等高级日志的详细信息,请参见插件PDK。
The first step is to download the PDK to your workstation. 第一步是下载PDK到您的工作站。
The remainder of this article discusses the PDK contents in detail, including the sample application. 本文的其余部分将详细讨论PDK的内容,包括样例应用程序。
The PDK contains a plug-in and pattern type build environment, samples, and a tool to create new plug-in projects. PDK包含一个插件和模式类型构建环境、样例和一个用于创建新插件项目的工具。
The PDK helps you get started by providing a sample set of two component plug-ins and one link plug-in. PDK提供了一组包含两个组件插件和一个链接插件的样例来帮助您入门。
The PDK includes a debug plug-in to provide debugging capability for virtual application pattern development. PDK包括一个调试插件,为虚拟应用程序模式的开发提供调试功能。
Clip in cover on PDK fully. 将pdk上的盖完全卡入。
Manual quilting's pin can be seen, quilted more dense the more high-grade, PDK Regency Home Textile use manual quilted, this quilt more soft. 手绗的被子的针脚是可以看到的,绗缝的越密越高档。瑞杰斯家纺大多采用手绗的工艺,这样的被子更加柔软。
PDK Regency Home Textile quilt have washed sand drying process before factory. 瑞杰斯家纺绗缝被在出厂前全部经过水洗砂洗烘干程序。
The core point is that the control word ( CW), service key ( SK) and personal distribute key ( PDK) can work on the link layer while USB key on the application layer. 方案的关键是让解扰密钥、业务密钥和个人分配密钥从链路层保证安全,而USB密钥则从报文层保证安全。
PDK 100 ( Pulse and Decay Spectra, 100 Channels) is a pulsed neutron capture logging tool controlled by a microprocessor. PDK-100是由微处理器控制的脉冲中子俘获测井仪。
The frame structure of process design kit ( PDK) based on Cadence interface is described in detail. 详细阐述了基于Cadence界面的工艺设计包(PDK)的框架结构及设计方法;
Finally, the design flows of analog and RF IC's is elaborated, and process design kit ( PDK) is briefly introduced. 详细介绍了模拟IC及RFIC的设计流程和工艺设计包。
The main mechanism of apoptosis induced by object gene protein overexpression of PDK molecule's Pleckstrin homology domain is to reduce PKB molecule's phosphorylation level of apoptosis-resisting cells, thus decrease their activity and unable to play an active biochemical role. PDK分子PH结构域目的蛋白的过表达引起的细胞凋亡的机制主要是下调了起抵抗细胞凋亡作用的PKB分子的磷酸化水平,从而降低其活性,无法发挥积极的生化作用。
In the full-chip design, we use the transmission line PDK model as interconnect lines in MMIC. 全芯片设计中,采用工艺的传输线模型结构作为毫米波集成电路的互连线。
Based on the Cadence full-custom IC design process PDK provides a complete solution, customers have a set of PDK to work on their integrated circuit design. 基于Cadence全定制IC设计流程的PDK提供了完整的解决方案,客户拥有这套PDK就可以在相应的软件下(如Cadence的Virtuoso)进行集成电路设计了。
However, we are deficient of system knowledge of the effect of bFGF by PDK/ PKB signal transduction pathway in ovarian carcinoma generation. 然而,有关bFGF通过PI3K/PKB信号转导途径在卵巢癌发生中所发挥的作用尚缺乏系统的认识。