Many of them were using a pea-sized speaker to receive the answers over a radio frequency. 很多人藉由一个豌豆大小的耳机来通过无线电频率接收答案。
A red hot, pea-sized piece of rock then hit his hand before bouncing off and causing a foot wide crater in the ground. 一片发热的、豌豆大小的陨石于是就这样砸中了他的手,然后掉落地面,砸出一英尺宽的小坑。
Scientists are now studying the pea-sized meteorite which crashed to Earth in Essen, Germany. 科学家们现在正在研究这片坠落在德国埃森的陨石。
To brush your teeth, put a pea-sized drop of toothpaste on your toothbrush, then cover all the surfaces of all the teeth in your mouth, using the Bass technique. 开始刷牙,把豆粒大小的牙膏置于牙刷上,然后用贝氏(Bass)法涵盖你口腔中所有牙齿的所有表面。
Growth hormone is naturally produced by the pituitary gland, a pea-sized organ at the base of the brain. 生长激素是通过大脑基底部一个豌豆大小的器官脑下垂体自然产生的。
Endocrinologists had found a rich store of hormones in the pituitary, a pea-sized gland near the front of the brain. 内分泌学家发现在脑垂体内贮存着大量激素。脑垂体是位于脑前部的一个豌豆大的腺体。
The different species range from pea-sized to orange-sized. 不同品种的大小不一,小者如豌豆,大者如柑橘。
The four pea-sized parathyroid glands control the level of calcium in the blood. 这四个豌豆大小的副甲腺体,控制人体血液中钙的水平。
Knoll often takes a pea-sized amount of pomade or wax, rubs it between his hands to soften it up, and wraps pieces of hair around his fingers. 出席晚间活动之前,他通常会取豌豆大小的润发油或发蜡涂在手心上,摩擦双手将其均匀抹开,然后用手指抓头发。
Even if I eat as much as a pea-sized tidbit of such a hero, I won't be able to digest it. 即使我吃下这勇士如品尝了豌豆一般大的小口美食,但是却不能消化它。