Each nation has its own peculiarities when it comes to doing business. 谈到做生意,各国都有其独特之处。
Peculiarities in the silkworm are known to appear at the corresponding caterpillar or cocoon stage. 蚕体的性状,亦限于相当的幼虫期或蛹期出现。
This war contained many events in one, and a quantity of peculiarities. 那次战争在一件事里包含了许多事,并且还有许多奇特之处。
But with modeling you can focus on the system design rather than the technological peculiarities. 但是使用建模技术你可以将精力放在系统的设计上而不是技术的特性上。
Our ideas may even be caricatures with features and peculiarities exaggerated for comic or grotesque effect. 我们的想法甚至可能是漫画式的,某些特点和个性被夸大了以取得戏剧性的夸张效果。
It possesses the peculiarities of the brachylogy and straight view as a method for thinking and studying on the problems. 作为一种思考和研究问题的方法,具有简明和直观的特点。
Have you noticed any peculiarities in his behaviour recently? 你是否注意到他最近有什么古怪的行为?
When religions flourish side by side they tend to pick up each other's ceremonial and other outward peculiarities. 当几种宗教共同繁荣发展时,它们往往会学到彼此之间在仪式及其他一些外表上的独特之处。
The peculiarities of the transporting and processing are high-speed and interaction. 这种传送和处理的特点,一是高速,二是交互式的。
But there are still some peculiarities about Chinese couples living abroad. 但在旅居海外的中国夫妇当中还是有一些特例。
In essence, competent trade organisations offer a wonderful insight into the peculiarities of an industry. 事实上,称职的行业组织会对行业特性提出绝妙的见解。
Such a language possesses not only distinctive trade peculiarities but also clear regional traits. 它不仅具有鲜明的行业特点,而且还具有明显的地域特点。
The net language has been drawing more and more attention for its peculiarities. 网络语言作为语言中的一个新生事物,已受到越来越多的人的关注。
The language of each of his heroes fits his status in society and discloses the peculiarities of his character. 他的剧中人的语言适合各自的社会地位,并能表现出各自性格的特色。
The structure, functions and maintenance peculiarities of the governor system of Gaobazhou Hydropower Plant are described. 简要介绍了高坝洲水电厂调速器系统的结构功能及维护特点。
By studying the relationship between peculiarities of laboratory end the characters of the intellect of science, this paper discusses the discipline function of laboratory and reveals the effect of architecture on human from one side. 摘要该文通过考察实验室的特性与科学知识份子品格之间的关系,探讨了实验室的“规训”作用,从一个侧面反映了建筑对人的作用力。
There are really interesting peculiarities of the Gospel of Thomas, and let's look at some of those. 多马福音,中还有一些,有趣的小地方,让我们来看看。
The technical peculiarities of the network makes the network media face the new moral problem of the network. 网络在技术上的特殊性使网络媒体面临新的网络伦理问题。
Criticism of Germany also fails to recognise the peculiarities of European integration. 对德国的批评也未能认识到欧洲一体化的独特之处。
Each CA issues certificates based on variations of local laws plus their own peculiarities. 每个CA问题,对当地法律,加上他们自己的特点变化的证书。
One of the peculiarities of her behaviour is that she shouts instead of talking. 她在行为方面有一种怪癖,就是说话总爱高声嚷。
Because of the peculiarities of human psychology, though, it's actually more the rule than the exception. 不过处于人类心理特性原因,与其说这个思考方式是一个例外,不如说是一个规律。
However, just as musicians identify with the history, culture, and technical peculiarities of their instruments, so too do programmers identify with their languages and systems. 不过,音乐家把自己乐器的历史、文化和技术特性视为一个整体,而程序员们正如他们一样,对于自己所用的语言和系统也存在同样的认同感。
You have to live in the city and understand its peculiarities before you can really appreciate its charms. 你得在这座城市里住下来,了解它的独特之处,才能真正欣赏它的魅力。
Here, we review the peculiarities of tumor cell metabolism that might be taken advantage of for cancer treatment. 这里,我们综述一下肿瘤细胞代谢的特性,这可能对癌症治疗有益。
It was one of boylan's peculiarities that he wanted to humiliate her. 博伊兰的怪癖之一是想羞辱她。
Different economic points of view stem from historical experience and cultural peculiarities. 历史经验和文化特点造成了经济观点的不同。
Typically, each country has its own regulations and peculiarities in various areas. 通常,每个国家在各地区有它自己的规则和特色。
Children with this kind of ability are good at spotting the peculiarities of other people and imitating them. 这类孩子善于发现别人的特征,善于模仿。
The state helps the areas inhabited by minority nationalities speed up their economic and cultural development in accordance with the peculiarities and needs of the different minority nationalities. 国家根据各少数民族的特点和需要,帮助各少数民族地区加速经济和文化的发展。