Major online media has released news of "Fudan University` s plan to recruit a38-year-old pedicab driver as a doctor". 各大在线媒体近日发布了一条名为“复旦将录取38岁三轮车夫为博士生”的新闻。
Cai Wei once sold cigarettes, ice-cream and worked as pedicab driver. 蔡伟卖过香烟、冰棍,也当过三轮车夫。
A38-year-old, high school diploma turns from a pedicab driver to a University doctor; this is not just a simple inspirational story. “今年38岁,只有高中文化的三轮车夫考上了博士”&这并非一个简单的励志故事。
In 2008, Cai Wei who was working as a pedicab driver had already gained some accomplishments on ancient Chinese study. 早在2008年,那时还是三轮车夫的蔡伟就已经在古汉字研究上小有成就。
And now, you drive me in the pedicab. 现在,你用三轮车载我。
One of the side signs got destroyed on the pedicab. 有个侧挂在三轮车上的的标志坏了。