Pedometers have been shown, at least in the short term, to motivate some people to increase their daily activity if they chart progress toward a goal in a diary. 实践表明,计步器至少可以在短期内鼓励一些人增加日常活动量,只要他们能用计步器记录自己在锻炼上每天所取得的进步。
Some devices are pedometers, tracking steps. More sophisticated gadgets, known as accelerometers, measure the rate at which a person moves and convert this into calories expended. 这其中,既包括记录步数的计步器,也包括一些更复杂的仪器,如加速计,它可以测量走路的速度,并计算出对应的卡路里消耗量。
The volunteers also wore pedometers to count their steps. 受试者同时也佩戴计步器来计算步数。