Neuropathy, peripheral vascular Disease and secondary infection resulted from diabetes also can cause diabetic pedopathy, this disease is rather complicate and usually occurs in the middle-late period of diabetes. Being similar to TCM, it belongs to Diabetes+ Gangrene of toe in Uygur medicine. 糖尿病神经病变、周围血管病变及伴随的继发感染造成糖尿病足病变,称糖尿病足,本病发生在糖尿病的中晚期,此时病情较复杂,属于维吾尔医消渴+脱疽的范畴,和传统中医理论相似。
The Treatment and Recognization of Diabetic Pedopathy in Uygur Medicine 维吾尔医对糖尿病足病变的治疗和认识
Diagnostic efficacy of Tc~ ( 99m)-MDP three-phase bone scintigraphy on diabetic pedopathy ~(99m)锝-亚甲基二膦酸盐三相骨显像对糖尿病足的诊断价值