Objective To explore the surgical methods and clinical application of the index finger dorsolateral flap with different blood vessel and fascia peduncular. 目的介绍带不同血管筋膜蒂的示指近节背侧皮瓣修复拇指缺损的手术方法及临床应用效果。
Clinical application of index finger dorsolateral flap with different blood vessel and fascia peduncular 带不同血管筋膜蒂的示指背侧皮瓣的临床应用
On pod level, seed aborted in turn with seed-set being much higher in even-numbered ovule positions, which correspond to the upper valve of the pod if the fruit is viewed from the peduncular end, than in odd-numbered positions in alfalfa pod. 在荚果水平上,苜蓿荚果内种子在形成过程中表现出明显交替败育的趋势,其中从果实基部算起偶数位置的胚珠形成种子的机会更大。
In the pontine nucleus labeled terminal arborizations were found in its caudal 1/ 3, distributing in the paramedian nucleus, the dorsal part of peduncular nucleus and the dorsolateral nucleus. 在桥核中,标记终支见于其尾侧1/3,分布于其旁正中核、脚核之背侧部及背外侧核中。
The results of the fruit stage researches in farmland in summer showed: the vine full date, plant high, stalk diameter and peduncular length, legumen length, quality per legumen and yields of 18 cowpea varieties were significantly different; 夏季田间试验结果表明:不同耐热豇豆品种在出苗至齐苗时间、花期株高、茎粗、花梗长度等植物学特征和果荚长度、质量等果实性状及生物学产量等生物学性状方面差异显著;