These tumors may be sessile or pedunculated. 这些息肉无蒂或带蒂。
Nursing Care of Patients Underwent Vessel Pedunculated Sternum Subvolution to Correct Funnelbreast 带血管蒂胸骨翻转术矫治漏斗胸病人的护理
A Experimental Study on Right Ventricular Outflow Tract Reconstruction With Pedunculated Pericardium 同种带瓣肺动脉重建右室流出道带蒂心包重建右室流出道的动物实验研究
Huge pedunculated hepatocellular carcinoma and its surgical treatment 巨大外生型肝癌的外科治疗
Clinical and pathological features of primary pedunculated giant esophageal liposarcoma 食管原发性巨大带蒂分化好脂肪肉瘤临床病理特点
The Use of Temporal Artery Pedunculated Skin Flap in the Reconstruction of Palpebral Defects 颞动脉岛状皮瓣在眼睑缺损再造术中的应用
Use of pedunculated ileocecum transposition in anal reconstruction in situ 带蒂回盲部移植在原位肛门重建术中的应用
Evaluation of metal clips combining with high-frequency electroresection in treating large, pedunculated colorectal polyps by endoscopy 内镜下金属夹联合高频电切序贯治疗宽蒂巨大肠息肉疗效评价
Treatment of Severe Liver Trauma With Packing the Pedunculated Greater Omentum 带蒂大网膜填塞治疗严重肝外伤29例
CT Diagnosis of Pedunculated Hepatocellular Carcinoma ( A Report of 7 Cases) 外生型肝癌的CT诊断(附7例分析)
Diagnosis and treatment of pedunculated hepatocellular carcinoma 8例带蒂肝细胞癌的诊断与治疗
Conclusion Metal clips combining with high-frequency electrosection in treating large, pedunculated colorectal polyps by endoscopy was a simple, reliable, and safe method. 结论内镜下金属夹联合高频电切序贯治疗宽蒂巨大肠息肉是一种简便、可行、有效及相对安全的方法。
Methods: The hepatic dual phase helical CT scanning of 7 cases of pedunculated hepatocellular carcinoma were reviewed retrospectively. 方法:回顾性分析了7例外生性肝癌螺旋CT肝双期扫描的CT表现。
Diffuse esophageal leiomyomatosis with a pedunculated polyp 有带蒂息肉的弥漫性食管平滑肌瘤病
Incidence rate of pancreatic fistula after pancreaticojejunostomy with end-to-end was 4.8%, and there was no incidence of pancreatic fistula when the anastomotic stoma of pancreaticojejunostomy with end-to-side was covered by pedunculated greater omentum. 胰肠端端吻合胰漏的发生率为4.8%,端侧吻合加吻合口周围附以带蒂大网膜无胰漏发生。
Conclusions Complete debridement and hemostasis of the wound, and safe transfixion were preconditions of using pedunculated greater omentum to treat severe liver trauma. 结论对肝创面要彻底清创,严格止血,稳妥缝扎断裂胆管是应用带蒂大网膜的先决条件。
Pedunculated scrotal flap in the treatment of complicated urethral stricture 带蒂阴囊皮瓣治疗复杂性尿道狭窄
Unsuccess Cause Analysis of Pedunculated Flaps Reconstructed the Defect of Floor of the Mouth 带蒂皮瓣修复口底缺损失败原因分析
Infilling of the pedunculated omentum in the treatment of splenic abscess 带蒂大网膜填塞脓腔治疗脾脓肿
Results Packing pedunculated greater omentum was an effective method for severe liver trauma. 结果带蒂大网膜在治疗严重肝损伤中有重要作用。
A tale of 2 pedunculated myomas 带蒂子宫肌瘤2例
Results A total of 116 polyps, including 106 flat and thin sessile polyps, 10 pedunculated polyps, in 74 cases were all cured by APC. Time of coagulation for every polyp was determined by its size and location. 结果74例患者共116枚息肉,其中106枚为扁平、广基息肉,经内镜氩气刀治疗,另10枚有蒂息肉在内镜圈套治疗时采用内镜下氩气刀配合治疗,全部治愈。
Cases of pedunculated polypoid esophageal carcinoma were reported. 报告带蒂息肉状食管癌11例。
Methods A total of 8 patients with huge pedunculated hepatocellular carcinoma treated in our hospital between January 1998 and January 2002 were reviewed. 方法总结分析了我院1998年1月至2002年1月间收治并手术治疗的巨大外生型肝癌8例。
By micro laryngeal surgery, it needed 2 weeks to return normal; By electronic nasopharyngoscop for pedunculated vocal cord polyps, 2 weeks returned to normal, vocal nodules in 3 weeks, sessile polyp in 4 weeks back to normal. 显微喉外科手术后,术后2周恢复正常;电子鼻咽喉镜下手术,带蒂声带息肉,2周恢复正常,声带小结3周恢复正常,广基声带息肉4周恢复正常。