So I wove "The dog peed on my speech" into my introductory comments for the talk that morning, which gave everyone, including me, a laugh. 于是,我在早餐会的开场白中写下了这样的话:“我的讲稿被狗尿湿了”。这让包括我自己在内的与会者都不禁莞尔。
Qiu Qiu the dog peed on my speech, about an hour before I was supposed to deliver it. 小狗秋秋在我的讲稿上撒了泡尿,而再过一个小时我就要去演讲了。
Women in the survey were half as likely as men to have peed in a bush and five times less likely to have peed on a residential street. 调查中,女性曾在灌木丛中小便的比例比男性小一半,在住宅区街道小便的比例更是只有男性的五分之一。
I think I peed in the beginning of Eyes Wide Shut, too. 我想我在《大开眼戒》的开始也尿过。
I just peed in their soup! 我刚在他们的汤里撒了一泡尿!
I mean, I'm dating a man whose pool I once peed in. 我是说我在你游泳池里尿尿过。
But this innocuous little fly just invites being peed upon, if such a thing makes any sense, but in a non-insistent, gentle, and entirely effective way. 但是这只无伤大雅的小苍蝇却可以“邀请”大家这么做。如果这件事有什么意义的话,也是在以一种不经意的,温和的,并且非常生动的方式感染你。
I just peed a little. 我放了个小屁。
Poor little guy had peed in his pants. 可怜的小家伙尿湿了裤子。
In my magazine it say that at one of her concerts she peed her pants and was swatting and covering herself for the rest of that song, Bloopecs. 我的杂志上说,在她的一场演唱会上,她尿了裤子并因那首歌的间断而获得了名声。
You peed in the blanket last night, didn't you? 你昨晚尿在了毯子上,不是吗?
That was the10th time I've peed here. 我第10次在这里撒尿了。
If you're the user interface specialist Donald Norman, I suppose you'd say the fly affords being peed on. 即使你是用户界面的专家DonaldNorman,我想你也会毫不客气地说“这只苍蝇活该被淹死”。
Ross: And then, like three days in a row he got to the newspaper before I did, and peed all over the crossword. 罗斯:有连续三天它比我先拿到报纸,然后就在填字游戏那部分上面撒尿。
Their dog just peed on our plants! 他们家的狗刚刚在我们的盆栽上尿尿!
The sugarplum fairy who peed herself. 一个对着自己撒尿的甜蜜小精灵。
He peed his trousers yesterday. 他昨天把裤尿湿了。
He's peed three times already in an hour. 他一个小时内已经尿过三次了。
Because of the bounce and his excitement, he peed a little bit, straight into my eye. 也许是因为它太兴奋了,它尿了,直对着我的眼睛。
If the dog peed on the carpet, and you ignored its whimpering and scratching at the door right before it happened, apologize to your parents or roommates. 如果那条狗在地毯上撒了尿,那发生之前,你对它低吠、抓门置之不理,那么对你的父母或室友道歉;
Did you enjoy the opera, dear?-oh, it was so good, I almost peed in my pants. 你喜欢这歌剧吗?亲爱的。它好到让我差点尿裤子。
The model of power bond, mathematics, simulation of speed tatio valve and clamping force valve is built, The simulation results indicate that peed tatio valve and clamping force valve can fulfil the hydraulic system of CVT. 建立了CVT液压系统速比控制阀和夹紧力控制阀的功率键合图模型、数学模型和仿真模型,仿真结果表明速比控制阀和夹紧力控制阀的性能满足CVT液压系统的要求。
According to the above research results and the current operation plan of passenger trains on this line, the paper raises the determination method of future operation plan of passenger trains on the Beijing-Shanghai high& peed train. 根据以上研究结果,参考京沪线现行旅客列车开行方案,提出了未来京沪高速铁路上旅客列车开行方案的确定方法。
High-Consistency Refining of Sulfite Peed Pulp 亚硫酸盐法苇浆的高浓磨浆&亚硫酸盐法苇浆胶印书刊纸实验室阶段研究报告
During the process of idle speed, air-conditioning compressor, power steering gear and automatic transmission changed suddenly, and these disturbance factors make the working-engine s peed fluctuating, instability or even flame-out. 怠速工况时由于汽车空调压缩机、动力转向器、自动变速器等装置的加载是突变的,这些扰动因素打破了发动机原有的稳定运行,出现了较大的转速波动,严重时甚至引起熄火现象。