Looking back now, I realize I have been peeking into that deserted alley for the last twenty-six years. 回首前尘,我意识到在过去二十六年里,自己始终在窥视着那荒芜的小径。
I remember the precise moment, crouching behind a crumbling mud wall, peeking into the alley near the frozen creek. 我清楚地记得当时自己趴在一堵坍塌的泥墙后面,窥视着那条小巷,旁边是结冰的小溪。
It eliminates the possibilities of someone sniffing, taking over, or peeking into your private data by encrypting all communication between two machines. 通过对两台计算机之间的所有通信信息进行加密,它可以排除有人进行探查、接管或窥视您的私有数据的可能性。
When peeking inside that file, you finally see some code. 检查该文件的内容后,您终于看到一些代码。
It gives you the option of peeking inside a build script without running any of the targets. 它使您能在不运行任何目标的情况下,窥探到build脚本的内部。
OpenSSH encrypts traffic, including passwords, to eliminate eavesdropping, taking over your connection, or peeking into your data. OpenSSH将对数据流进行加密(包括密码)以避免窃听、转移连接或窃取数据。
Others contrasted the image of Rosins peeking behind the bills with her father's rhetoric against capitalism and consumerism. 一些人表示罗斯尼斯的照片和她父亲反资本主义与消费主义的言辞形成了鲜明的对比。
As the group reached the top of the mountain, the sun was just peeking over the hills. 当小组队员爬到山顶时,太阳微微露出,阳光斜照着小山。
Close your eyes, no peeking! 闭上眼睛,不许偷看哦!
You can use Folder Guard to lock your personal files and folders with passwords, to stop other users from peeking into your records. 你可以使用文件夹卫队使用密码锁您的个人文件和文件夹,阻止往你的记录偷看其他用户。
Peeking through her long, softly curled hair I could see gold hoop earrings. 透过她长长的,轻柔的卷发,我看到了她的金耳环。
By peeking through peep holes the reader discovers animals hiding in their natural environment. 透过窥视书中观察孔,读者可以看出动物躲在大自然真实的环境当中。
Peeking out between the drapes, I saw his wife and children waiting in the car. 由窗帘缝隙间窥视,我看到他的太太和小孩在车上等着。
There'll be no more peeking me bathe. 不准再偷看我洗澡了。
The Karmapa is a sturdy young man, spectacles clinging to his round shaved head, pebbled brown half boots peeking out from beneath the robe. 大宝法王是个强健的年轻人,一副眼镜架在他圆圆的剃过的头上,在僧袍下面露出半高的褐色的靴子。
Before peeking at the code, we must have an idea of what we are supposed to do and how. 在看代码之前我们必须考虑好我们要做什么和怎么做。
When no one is peeking, however, it acts in a really odd way. 不过,当没人偷看的时候,它的表现确实古怪。
In fact, peeking ahead of course, and this's why we're often drawn to soul views even if my body dies as long as my soul continues to exist I continue to exist. 事实上,看看之后的课程,我们相信灵魂是由于,即使我的肉体死亡,只要我的灵魂继续存在,我就存在。
Crater-scarred Rhea floats in the distance, peeking out from behind Saturn's partly shadowed rings. 有许多坑和斑纹的土卫五漂浮在远方,正从土星环外面的阴暗部分窥视着。
Peeking out the window, her eyes went wide in horror. 她往窗外一看,吓得目瞪口呆。
No peeking at your presents before Christmas morning. 不到圣诞节早上不要偷看你的礼物。
They caught him peeking through the hole at what was going on in the room. 他正从孔眼偷看房内发生的事情的时候被他们抓了个正着。
Photographer Brian Skerry spied this one peeking from a crevice near Ireland's southwest coast. "We found they were common off Valentia Island," he says. 摄影师布莱恩·史盖瑞就在爱尔兰西南海岸附近的岩石裂缝中,捕捉到了这种小鱼的身影。
It looks great paired with brights or prints or peeking out from underneath a blazer. 它与亮色或印花服装搭配,又或者是穿在西装里面都很漂亮。
Peeking at yourself in the mirror. 往镜子里悄悄看你自己一眼。
And the sun peeking through the trees is just a beam of light. 阳光穿过枝桠只是一缕薄光而已。
I could just see her petticoat peeking out from under her skirt. 我能看到她的衬裙从裙子下露了出来。
A shoe is peeking out from under the curtain. 窗帘下有只鞋子露了一小截出来。
I strained to see what I thought was something pink, miraculously peeking out of a drift. 我努力睁大眼睛:从一堆雪的缝隙间居然冒出了一些似乎是粉红的东西!
In this way the thief was found out and was immediately taken away to prison. The women, who had been peeking from the side door, hastily filed back into the hall. 这样,小偷被查了出来,并立即被送进了监狱。躲在门外偷看的女眷们也连忙走了进来。