Study on effect of peiminine injection solution on Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia in rats 浙贝母素乙治疗大鼠卡氏肺孢子虫肺炎的实验研究
Determined and compared the contents of total alkaloids, peimine, peiminine, both peimine and peiminine by acidic dye colorimetry and TLC scanning. 利用酸性染料比色法测定和比较于贝母和浙贝母的总生物碱;利用薄层扫描法测定并比较于贝母和浙贝母的贝母素甲、贝母素乙含量和贝母素甲和乙总含量。
Quantitative determination of peiminine in Bulbus Fritillaria available on market by HPLC HPLC法测定市售贝母中贝母乙素含量
According to the results of determination of the three batches of test samples, the limit contents of Peimisine, Peimine, Peiminine, Imperialine and the total Alkaloid were developed. 根据测定三批中试样品结果,拟订了川贝母流浸膏中贝母辛的含量限度,三碱含量之和(贝母素甲、贝母素乙和西贝母碱)的限度及总生物碱含量的限度。