If that sounds crazy, bear in mind it sure beats turning to chocolate, alcohol or your Pekingese for support. 如果这种想法听起来有些异想天开,那你就错了,记住,比起不停地吃巧克力、用酒精麻痹自己或者向自己的宠物寻求慰藉,自我调节要好上千百倍。
When I came to Beijing, I became fluent in Pekingese. I could understand Wuxi dialect and Shanghai dialect but could no longer speak any of them fluently. 到了北京,学了一口纯正的北京话,听得懂无锡话、上海话,却说不利落了。
Hung-chien's lament over the Pekingese was partly true. 鸿渐为哈巴狗而发的感慨,一半是真的。
It looks like a Pekingese puppy. 看起来像是一只小哈巴狗啊。
A Chinese breed of small dog similar to a Pekingese. 与北京哈叭狗相似的一种中国品种的小狗。
A lady lost here beloved Pekingese dog. 有位女士,她心爱的北京狗不见了。
Every last one of you Suns is just like that goddamned little turtle-egg of a Pekingese. 你们孙家的人从上到下全像那只混帐王八蛋的哈巴狗。
The Changes with Aging of the Intervertebral Disc ( T_ ( 11)-L_4) and Its Relation to the Disc Degeneration in Pekingese 北京犬椎间盘(T(11)-L4)年龄变化与椎间盘退变关系的研究