Iron deficiency anemia, scurvy, beriberi, and pellagra are examples of injury caused by deficits in specific vitamins or minerals. 缺铁性贫血、坏血症、脚气病和糙皮病等就是由于某种维生素或矿物质缺乏引起的损伤。
So what causes pellagra and crimson spew? 什么导致烟酸缺乏和狂喷血?
"a deficiency, or lack, of certain vitamins can cause rickets, scurvy, or pellagra." 缺乏某种维生素可引起佝偻病,软骨病,或糙皮
He could tell of consumption making inroads on entire families and of pellagra, once found only among poor whites, which was now appearing in Atlanta's best families. 他还能诉说一些肺病和糙皮病如何传染给全家的事,这种情况过去只在贫穷的白人中发生,而如今在亚特兰大最上等的人家里也出现了。
Pellagra still occurs where diets consist mostly of corn, which is low in both niacin and tryptophan ( converted to niacin in the body), with little or no protein-rich food. 如果饮食主要是含烟碱酸和色氨酸(在体内能转变成烟碱酸)很低的玉米而没有或只有少量蛋白质含量丰富的食物,也有可能出现糙皮病。
Meta-analysis of 23 case reports of pellagra in China 23例国人烟酸缺乏病报道综合分析
Three Cases of Pellagra 烟酸缺乏症3例
And their main clinic features included the ataxia in trunk and lower limbs, accompanied by peripheral neuropathies in 7 cases and Pellagra disease in 3 cases. 伴发周围神经病7例,陪拉格病3例。