Applied Anatomy of Iliac Anchorage for Transiliac Screws: Three-Dimensional Reconstruction and Adjacent Vessels, Nerves Study of Pelves 髂骨螺钉骨性通道的临床解剖学、三维重建图像及毗邻血管、神经的研究
Methods Anterior and posterior height, depth, alar depth, and posterior alar height of the pedicle of S 1 were measured on 16 cadaveric pelves bilaterally. 方法测量16具尸体骨盆标本双侧S1椎弓根前后缘的高度、深度(S1椎弓根最狭窄处的宽度)、骶翼深度、骶翼高度。
The masses were usually at the midline of abdomen, anterior to the uterus of at the base of pelves. 包块多位于腹正中线、盆底及子宫正前上方;
Gradient of the sacral auricular surface and length of relevant lines of 36 adult human pelves specimens were measured. It was a shown that the anterior incline angle of the long axes of the auricular surface was significantly larger in the males than in the females. 对36具成人骶骨耳状面倾斜度及相关径线测量结果,显示男性耳状面长轴的前倾度显著大于女性;
Investigation of physiological constant of female pelves of different nationalities in Mauritania 毛里塔尼亚不同种族女性骨盆生理常数的调查分析
In the talent identification of sprinters the coaches require that the characteristics of their sprinters 'lower limbs should be relative short thighs ( the femur), relative narrow pelves and relative high arches of foot. 在短跑运动员的选材中,教练员对运动员下肢解剖学特征提出的要求是,大腿(股骨)相对短、骨盆相对窄、足弓相对较高。
Results: 3 patients with double pelves and double ureter ( double side 2 cases, single side 1 case). 结果:肾盂、输尿管重复畸形3例(双侧1例,单侧2例);
Results 2 cases with injuries of skull and brain who were confused state of mind in 26 cases were missed diagnosis in emergency room because pelves X-ray sheets were not accepted. 结果26例髋臼骨折中2例颅脑外伤患者,入院时神志不清,于急诊室因未行骨盆X线片漏诊,后经摄片而确诊。
Methods: 20 short-term ( in one year) embalmed pelves along with their spines intact from L4 to the sacrum, and hip joints with the 2/ 3 proximal of both femora were harvested for this study. 方法:取成年男性短期(1年内)防腐尸体20具,自第3、4腰椎交界处及双大腿中下1/3交界处将尸体横断,得骨盆标本20个。